hail mary, beloved daughter of the eternal father

of your persons. May the grace of the mystery of the Scourging of Jesus come into our souls. R: Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. This eschatological dimension is contemplated by St Louis Marie especially when he speaks of the "apostles of the latter times" formed by the Blessed Virgin to bring to the Church Christ's victory over the forces of evil (cf. Happy, then, a thousand times happy, are the Christians who are now fastened faithfully and entirely to her, as to a firm anchor!" Now you know why St. Louis de Montfort's "Prayer to Mary" opens with these words: "Hail Mary, most beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father. St. Stephen, St. Lawrence and all the Martyrs, ask of God etc. Hail, sovereign princess, to whom all owe subjection in Heaven and on earth! And so the child will be holy and will be called Son of God. Thee in the Temple, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through her As is well known, my episcopal coat of arms symbolically illustrates the Gospel text quoted above; the motto Totus tuus is inspired by the teaching of St Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort (cf. Indulgence for those who receive communion in the church of the Rosary on the first Sunday of the month. Let it never be said that of all those who have had recourse to The power he received to judge the living and the dead. respite; and to work zealously and unselfishly for Credo: 1) Faith in the presence of God. The holy man called upon the Mother of the Saviour, imploring her as advocate of sinners to come to the aid of the people. Mary Most Holy is truly our Mother who accompanies us on our pilgrimage of faith, hope and charity towards an ever more intense union with Christ, the one Saviour and Mediator of salvation (cf. It is a true exchange of love between God and his creature in the reciprocity of total self-giving. It is the hymn of the angels and saints in heaven. its strength against the devil, as prefigured by the sling of David with which he overcame Goliath. 6.To do this a word or two is added to each Hail Mary of the decade reminding us of the mystery we are celebrating. This Saint's teaching has had a profound influence on the Marian devotion of many of the faithful and on my own life. HAIL, HOLY QUEEN, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope! the Baptist, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the Amen. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Thy holy Mother to her cousin St. Elizabeth and the sanctification of St. John Refuge for all the living, all-powerful relief for the afflicted, for the dying and for the souls in purgatory. Amen. Holiness and unworldliness were seen everywhere; the church was seen as honourable; princes were just; people lived at peace with one another and justice and equity reigned in the guilds and in the home. 3rd "Jesus born in poverty" Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! so be it--to all that thou art now doing in Heaven; With this in mind he instituted the sacrifice of the Mass. Hom I in Dorm. It is the new song of the New Testament which the faithful sing as they escape from the captivity of the devil. Amen. In fact, this Saint's Mariological thought "is rooted in the mystery of the Trinity and in the truth of the Incarnation of the Word of God" (ibid.). His humble and fervent prayers offered during his life and on the eve of his passion. We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this eighth decade in honor of Thy being crowned Introductory Prayer May the grace of the mystery of the Ascension of Our Lord come into me and prepare me for heaven. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul! Gt Britain & Ireland (General Delegation), Tercentenary prayer and reflection leaflets, His collaborator - Blessed Marie-Louis Trichet, Letter to the Members of the Company of Mary. Hail sure refuge of sinners, Our Lady of Mercy, who hast never refused any request. By being enrolled in this Confraternity we are strengthened in a wonderful way by joining millions of brothers and sisters. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! ibid., nn. 53, 62), and consequently, Paul VI proclaimed her as Mother of the Church. The Cross itself is already mysteriously present at the instant of the Incarnation, at the very moment of Jesus' conception in Mary's womb. The brothers of St. Dominic had so great a love for this holy devotion that it made them hurry to church or choir more willingly. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy. the stable of Bethlehem, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home" (Jn 19: 25-27). We ask of Thee a lively faith, a We offer you, Lord Jesus, this seventh decade in honour of your cruel Scourging; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for the grace to mortify our senses. 2) Faith in the gospel. Amen. Through this obedience, the Son of God enters the world. It is preferable to say the penitential psalms. soul! Indulgence on the occasion of the procession. The obedience of Christ and the obedience of Mary are not, of course, symmetrical because of the ontological difference between the divine Person of the Son and the human person of Mary. (Father Sertorio Caputo) Thy name of Mary, to my ear, O Mother Mary, sounds more sweet Than sweetest melody; It brings such peace and joy so dear, That I would ever more repeat A word so sweet to me. Through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for a deep contempt of the world. We offer you, O Holy Spirit, this thirteenth decade in honour of the mystery of Pentecost. The doubts of St. Joseph on discovering that Mary was with child. Hail Mary ten times. intercession of Thy holy Mother, the coming of the Holy Spirit into our souls. 5th "Jesus holy of holies" The Rosary is a great store of indulgence accorded by popes outdoing one another. only grace I beg thee to obtain for me is that every His being beaten and flayed with rods of thorn and cruel whips. Hail Mary ten times. We offer you, Amen. Response: That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Scourging, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through the intercession In the antiphon Salve Regina, the Church calls the Mother of God "our Hope". The adoration and the singing of the angels when Jesus was born. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son. The Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium states: "But while in the Most Blessed Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle (cf. To honour the desires and prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary to bring forward the coming of the Messiah; and her marriage with Saint Joseph. At the end of the third: Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Mary, an eminent member of the Mystical Body and Mother of the Church. Critics who strive ingeniously to do away with it. O Lord, we offer you this Our Father to adore you in your oneness and to acknowledge you as the first cause and the last end of all things. May the grace of the Mystery of the Nativity come down into our souls. The shameful treatment he received at the house of Herod when he was dressed in a white robe. There are three crowns for the one who recites the Holy Rosary every day: The Rosary is a mystical summary of all the most beautiful prayers of the Church. Our Father. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this second decade in honour of the Visitation of your holy Mother to her cousin Saint Elizabeth and of the sanctification of Saint John the Baptist; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for charity towards our neighbour. The afflicted people sought the advice of a saintly hermit who lived a very austere life in the desert. The Rosary became so well known that people who were devout were considered by others as being obviously confraternity members. Mary is our sovereign and our mediatrix, our Mother and our Mistress. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this third decade in honour of your Birth in the stable at Bethlehem; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother, we ask for detachment from worldly things, contempt of riches and a love of poverty. May the grace of the Mystery of the Resurrection come down into our souls. he was accompanied in his missions by several holy bishops and still his efforts were without fruit. angels, men and demons; it is thy privilege to dispose 7. According to the words of the Second Vatican Council, Mary "is hailed as pre-eminent and as a wholly unique member of the Church, and as her type and outstanding model in faith and charity" (Lumen Gentium, n. 53). The Rosary is the prayer of the angels and saints in heaven because they are engaged in celebrating the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ. If we knew the glory and the love which you receive in this admirable creature. She is so intimately united with you. She loves you more ardently and glorifies you more perfectly than all the other creatures put together" (ibid., n. 63). Amen. "Jesus raising thee up". We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this seventh decade in honor of Thy bloody The mission and the greeting of the angel Gabriel. The blood he shed and the wounds he received. Hail Mary, my We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this fourth decade in honor of Thy Presentation All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. She only exists with reference to God. Hail Mary ten times. V: Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Support us in our troubles, hear us when we pray, preserve us from the world and the devil. ibid., n. 58). Our Father. I renounce all souls. Hail MARY, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost. St Louis Marie expresses this with a range of nuances, when in his letter he expounds on the "marvellous effects" of perfect Marian devotion: "The more, then, that you gain the favour of that august Princess and faithful Virgin, the more will you act by pure faith; a pure faith which will put you above all sensible consolations and extraordinary favours; a lively faith animated by charity, which will enable you to perform all your actions from the motive of pure love; a faith firm and immovable as a rock, through which you will rest quiet and constant in the midst of storms and hurricanes; a faith active and piercing, which like a mysterious skeleton key, will give you entrance into all the mysteries of Jesus, the ultimate goal of man, and into the heart of God himself; a courageous faith, which will enable you to undertake and carry out without hesitation great things for God and for the salvation of souls; lastly, a faith which will be your blazing torch, your divine life, your hidden treasure of divine wisdom and your omnipotent arms, which you will use to enlighten those who are in the darkness of the shadow of death, to inflame those who are lukewarm and who have need of the heated gold of charity, to give life to those who are dead through sin, to touch and move by your meek and powerful words the hearts of stone and the cedars of Lebanon, and finally, to resist the devil and all the enemies of salvation" (cf. It is a lived teaching of outstanding ascetic and mystical depth, expressed in a lively and passionate style that makes frequent use of images and symbols. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this eighth decade in honour of your being Crowned with Thorns; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for contempt of the world. Amen. back for myself or others. 42-43; Rosarium Virginis Mariae, n. 15). Holy Virtues, ask etc. Amen. You are all mine through your mercy, and I am all yours. Mary Our Mother Foundation. Please choose from the Contents at the right, or choose another work from the Writings menu at the left. May the grace of the mystery of the Presentation come into our souls. St. Anne and all holy Women, ask of God etc. cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee. The doctrine of the Mystical Body that most forcefully expresses Christ's union with the Church is also the biblical foundation of this affirmation. In Christ, the Only-Begotten Son of the Father, we are truly children of the Father, and at the same time, sons and daughters of Mary and of the Church. 14.In this decade before each Hail Mary we ask God through the intercession of all the saints for the graces we stand in need of. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. thee for visions, revelations, sensible devotion or The Mother of the Redeemer is also uniquely redeemed by him in her Immaculate Conception and has preceded us in that perseverance in faithful and loving attention to the Word of God that leads to blessedness (cf. resurrection and triumphant Assumption of Thy holy Mother into Heaven, and we The outpouring of blood in which his sorrows bathed him. the least of thy children and the most obedient of thy servants. | about us. The blow that he received in the house of Caiphas. May the grace of the Mystery of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin come Daily Readings - viewed over 100 million times worldwide. Our Father. Listen, my princess, listen to the sighs of a heart that desires to love and serve thee faithfully. May the grace of the Birth of Jesus come into me and make me truly poor in spirit. it is the Blessed Virgin who gave the Rosary its form. Amen. spiritual pleasures. It is an invention of Religious to make money. Hail Mary, faithful spouse of the Holy Ghost! But I am not yet sufficiently thine. I now give myself wholly to Thee The Apostle refers to himself as "the slave of Christ' (servus Christi) as though the title were an honour. Act of Consecration to Our Lady of the Blessed Trinity With all my heart I praise thee, Most Holy Virgin above all angels and saints in paradise, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, and I consecrate to Thee my soul with all its faculties. The Dogmatic Constitution Lumen Gentium concludes with these words: "The entire body of the faithful pours forth urgent supplications to the Mother of God and of men that she, who aided the beginnings of the Church by her prayers, may now, exalted as she is above all the angels and saints, intercede before her Son in the fellowship of all the saints, until all families of people, whether they are honoured with the title of Christian or whether they still do not know the Saviour, may be happily gathered together in peace and harmony into one People of God, for the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity" (n. 69). It is a gift come down from heaven; a great present that God gives to his most faithful servants. See here for a short description of these methods. "Jesus crowned with thorns". The Jews crown Jesus with piercing crowns. The love of God through union with Jesus Christ is the purpose of every genuine devotion, since Christ, as St Louis Marie wrote, "is our only Master who has to teach us; our only Lord on whom we ought to depend; our only Head to whom we must be united; our only Model to whom we should conform ourselves; our only Physician who can heal us; our only Shepherd who can feed us; our only Way who can lead us; our only Truth whom we must believe; our only Life who can animate us; and our only All in all things who can satisfy us" (Treatise on True Devotion, n. 61). Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am Thine by justice. obtain from Jesus, thy beloved Son, contrition and pardon for all my sins, as But I am not yet sufficiently thine. "Listen to what Our Lady herself said to Saint Mechtilde: 'Never has any man composed anything more beautiful than the Hail Mary. Holy Principalities, ask etc. clearly; it is thy privilege to enjoy heavenly bliss; it is In . | contact us Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! 7.I unite with all the saints in heaven, with all the just on earth, and with all the faithful here present. To honour the eternal Father who conceives his Son in contemplating himself. Hail my joy, my glory, my heart, and my soul! We offer you, Lord Jesus, this tenth decade in honour of your Crucifixion and shameful Death on Calvary; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for the conversion of sinners, perseverance for the just and relief for the souls in Purgatory. The Lord is with you.' faithfully. intercession of Thy holy Mother, love of God and fervor in Thy service. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. This is perhaps the deepest kenosis of faith in human history" (n. 18). In addressing Jesus, St Louis Marie expresses the marvel of the union between the Son and the Mother: "She is so transformed into you by grace that she lives no more, she is as though she were not. Hail, my joy, my glory, my heart and my soul. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign! know Jesus and His divine will; that I may have no Amen. Blessed Alan de la Roche who restored it. Step 15: Conclude with the sign of the cross. Those who say it out of hypocrisy, lacking any devotion. 11th "Jesus risen from the dead" Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, admirable Mother of the Son, faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit, august Temple of the most Holy Trinity! The holy angels in heaven salute the most Blessed Virgin with the Hail Mary not audibly but with their angelic mind. "These words can be attributed better to the Mother of the Lord than to St Paul of himself: "My little children, with whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you!' The mysteries of the Holy Rosary are like mirrors for the predestinate in which they see their faults and like torches which guide them in this world of darkness. The vanquished enemies of the Rosary prove its fame to us. Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am Thine by justice. The Rosary is the tree of life which bears marvellous fruits all the year round. After they have completely bathed her in happiness they gush back into the bosom of God. Amen. Hail Mary, admirable Mother of the Son! May the grace of the mystery of the Assumption come into our souls. DARMANIN - CLEMENTINA. His preaching and his being found in the temple among the doctors. The predestinate crown Jesus and Mary with eternal roses. distractions which may arise during this Rosary. Take away from me all that Devout whilst meditating on the mysteries. Amen It is to her that the saints who have saved themselves have been the most attached and have done their best to attach others, in order to persevere in virtue. 27.02.2023. Paradoxically, this "bond of charity", this "slavery of love", endows the human being with full freedom, with that true freedom of the children of God (cf. Amen. Hail Mary, faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost! I myself, in the years of my youth, found reading this book a great help. May the grace of the mystery of Pentecost come into our souls. It is a valuable piece of money with which to purchase heaven. 13.We offer you, Lord Jesus, this eleventh decade in honour of your glorious Resurrection; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother, we ask for love of God and fervour in your service. Treatise on True Devotion, n. 34). We offer you, Lord Jesus, this twelfth decade in honour of your triumphant Ascension; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for an ardent desire for heaven, our true home. Thank you. The Our Father. At the end of the second: Treatise on True Devotion, n. 169). This addition follows the name of Jesus in the middle of the Hail Mary: and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Decade1st "Jesus becoming man" The joy and the added glory that heaven received through her triumphant entry. human consolation; to die continually to myself without Through this mystery and the intercession of your blessed Mother we ask you to convert us and all sinners, heretics, schismatics and pagans. The love with which he embraced and kissed the Cross. Hail MARY, my Mother, my loving Mistress, my powerful sovereign. 10th "Jesus crucified" Different methods of saying the holy Rosary. its fruitfulness as shown in the net that St. Peter by order of Our Lord threw into the sea and which though filled with 153 fish did not break. St. Dominic preached and although he was a saint he converted hardly any sinners. Amen. of Thy holy Mother, and we ask of Thee, through this Mystery and through her The Second Vatican Council placed great emphasis on Mary's faith, mysteriously shared by the Church, shedding light on the journey of Our Lady from the moment of the Annunciation to the moment of the redemptive Passion (cf. O Jesus, my dear Jesus, O Mary, Mother of Jesus, my beloved Mother, give us your holy blessing. Amen. To be supported at the hour of judgment by as many intercessors as there are members of the confraternity of the Rosary. The power that he received from his Father in heaven and on earth. The marvellous guidance he gave to all the saints and even to the person of Jesus Christ during all his life. the restoration of the Rosary by Blessed Alan de la Roche. At the end of this first Rosary the Magnificat is said. Those who live in this love can say with St Paul: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me" (Gal 2: 20). Catholic.org - with thousands of pages of magisterial content. Hear, O my Queen, the prayers of a heart that desires to love and serve you faithfully. May the grace of the Mystery of the Agony in the Garden come down into our Amen Amen. St. Louis de Montfort introductory prayer. The blessings he gave them as he rose from the earth towards heaven. The Rosary contains the angelic greeting which is the most pleasing prayer we can offer our Blessed Lady. In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the House of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. (Prayer to be said at the end of each decade in We offer you, Lord Jesus, this seventh decade in honour of your cruel Scourging. If thou still seest in me anything Her divine Motherhood and her relationship with the three persons of the most holy Trinity. Holy Joseph, worthy foster-father of Jesus Christ, pray for us sinners and obtain divine Wisdom for us from God, now and at the hour of our death. We can commemorate the saints at each decade and blend with one of the above-mentioned methods as the Holy Spirit inspires. To honour Our Lord being presented to the people at the "Ecce Homo.". Indulgence for the recitation of the Rosary. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. 68) its power against all sorts of enemies of salvation, as prefigured by the power of David which contained innumerable kinds of defensive and offensive arms. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Her birth which gladdened the whole world. O Father of mercy, God of all consolation, we ask you for this infinite treasure of your divine wisdom, through the tender heart of Mary, through the Precious Blood of your dear Son and through the intense desire you have to bestow your gifts on your poor creatures. St. Joseph and all the holy Confessors, ask of God etc. St. Peter and St. Paul and all the holy Apostles, ask of God etc. Amen. Our Father, ten Hail Marys, Glory be to the Father. Holy Dominations, ask etc. Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!'. Including morning & night prayers, marriage and basic prayers like Hail Mary, Our Father, Apostles' Creed and many more. We offer you, Lord Jesus, this ninth decade in honour of your carrying the Cross; through this mystery and the intercession of your holy Mother we ask for patience in all our crosses. They are the 15 steps of the temple of Solomon and the 15 rungs of the ladder of Jacob by which the angels descend to them and return to heaven and by which they ascend to heaven. Son, faithful Spouse of the Holy Spirit, august Temple of the most Holy Trinity! its light as shown in the columns of fire during the night and the shining cloud during the day which guided the Israelites. St. Louis De Montfort's Prayer to Mary. Amen. To honour the joy in the heart of Mary at the Incarnation and the dwelling for nine months of the eternal Word in her womb. To honour the eternal predestination of Mary to be the masterpiece of God's hands. May the grace of the Resurrection come into me and make me truly faithful. Hail MARY, admirable Mother of the Son. Hail Mary, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father! Amen. "There is nothing among Christians which makes us more absolutely belong to Jesus Christ and his holy Mother than the slavery of the will, according to the example of Jesus Christ himself, who took on the status of a servant for love of us" - formam servi accipiens - "and also according to the example of the holy Virgin who called herself the servant and handmaid of the Lord (Lk 1: 38). His descent accompanied by the sound of a great wind which shows his might and power. May the grace of the Visitation come into our souls. Destroy in me all that may be displeasing to God, root it up and bring it to nought; place and cultivate in me everything that is pleasing to thee. by justice. Indulgence for those who say the Mass of the Rosary. Mary responded to God's will with the total gift of herself, body and soul, forever, from the Annunciation to the Cross and from the Cross to the Assumption. Amen. Constitution Lumen Gentium, nn. Amen. Throughout its history, the People of God has experienced this gift of the crucified Jesus: the gift of his Mother. 1. Eph 5: 27), the faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. Prayer which contains a summary of all we must ask of God. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. without spiritual pleasures; to suffer joyfully without Box 1303, Dickinson, Texas 77539, U.S.A. Hail Mary ten times, adding "Jesus becoming man". Thou art all mine by mercy, and I am all thine by justice. Hail Mary, my dear Mother, my loving Lady, my powerful Queen. contempt of riches and love of poverty. The saintly Dominicans who propagated it. Church of the Son sins, as But I am not yet Thine!: 1 ) Faith in the Church of the angels when Jesus was.... Consequently, Paul VI proclaimed her as Mother of mercy, our sweetness and our mediatrix, our,... 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