Do you mean more information on the claim process? Listed here are the four Vietnam veterans with the youngest ages. Both are unlikely to life to 70, and both have suffered life-threatening diseases already which they are lucky to have survived. Then compare that report to the Tripler Psychologist report of a (get this) 5 minute interview. I am at 760-550-8083 We can work on both at the same time. No way of accounting for one car accidents either. Before the lottery was implemented in the latter part of the Vietnam conflict, there was no system in place to determine order of call besides the fact that men between the ages of 18 and 26 were vulnerable to being drafted. HEROLD, W.Va. A half century after serving in Vietnam, hundreds of veterans have a new reason to believe they may be dying from a silent bullet test results show some men may have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in the jungles of Southeast Asia. good info on your post, keep up the good work! No way of accounting for the incidence of this from 1972-85. It would take nearly 20 years after the end of the war for America to get right with its Vietnam veterans. Food for thought. Finally after 10 months found a job,human resources person said that they didnot mind hiring Vietnam Veterans .as long as I was not drug addict or involved in any war attrocities. Stay alive & sane thanks to Valium I am still alive for now NOT from the V.A., I use my own Doctor. Jerry Engel/New York Post Archives/NYP Holdings, Inc./Getty Images, The society really was ill-prepared to give these guys what they deserved, says Christian Appy, professor of History at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and author of three books on Vietnam. This study was limited by the relatively short follow-up and the young age of the veterans. I am a Nam Vet with Ischemic Heart Disease (ISD),an illnessfinally acknowledged that was caused by AO in Oct 2009 by VA Secretary Shineski. My girl friend thought I lost it. ive been asked a few times over the years if im a combat vet. Thats 390 per day. from actual combat vets but dont know that for a fact in any case that does seem rather high. As of the last Census taken during August, 2000, the surviving U.S. "We are taking this seriously," said Curt Cashour, a spokesman with the Department of Veterans Affairs. Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 850,000 living Vietnam veterans? Age: 77. My name is Jason Gunn and I am a veteran of OIF with the First Armor Div. James Ward was one of at least 18 juvenile soldiers killed at Vietnamfive were 16, like him, 11 others were 17, and one was 15 and had forged his birth certificate to join. society. More than nine million Americans served from Nov. 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975. I went fucking ballistic. When the diagnosis came, both Pete and Kate were sure they knew the cause: Pete's exposure to the chemical defoliant Agent Orange during his time as a helicopter crew chief in Vietnam. By way of the SHADS project, we are still handling claims of radiation exposure in WWll and those who went to ABC school in the Navy; Atomic, Biological, Chemical Warfare training on ships in the early 1960s. I was transfered to the 201st aviation co. in Nha Trang in 1972 to finnish my tour . According the them there was a giant wall that stopped all aerial spraying and river flow from the rivers into the Gulf of Tonkin where we got our drinking, cooking and bathing water just like the Aussie sailors in the Gulf the Aussie government through scientific studies found that drinking the water from the Navy desalination processors actually concentrated the dioxins rather than filter them out. you guys, but kinda gives me the chills, considering this is the kind of I may be crazy but Im not stupid. Age: 78. Btln. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Twice a week we compile our most fascinating features and deliver them straight to you. Did not know his name but I couldnt bring myself to walk by his A/O after this happened. What was the life expectancy of a helicopter door gunner in Vietnam? And as more and more wartime atrocities came to light, there was a national implication of guilt and shame placed on Vietnam veterans as participants in and avatars of a brutal, unsuccessful war. But if you see something that doesn't look right, click here to contact us! Mike: Thanks for the unexpected note. I am a Marine Vietnam Vet (6/67-7/68) & a MarineDesert Shield/Storm Vet. How Many Veterans Are Enrolled In College? A friend of mine who is an in-country veteran asked me to look into the topic of how many Vietnam veterans are still alive. An overwhelming majority of Vietnam Veterans are male (6.2M) while in the civilian populaon females (47.7M) outnumber males by 20.5M. How to find out who sent anonymous flowers? Some of the responses did not come through our site in a timely fashion. While the economy after World War II was one of the most robust in American history, during and after Vietnam the nation was in a death spiral of stagflation and economic malaise. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? Your email address will not be published. The aircraft ( helicopter ) went down experiencing mechanical problems. How long did a soldier have to serve in Vietnam? Known as the Sky Soldiers, the 173rd Airborne Brigade is an airborne infantry brigade combat team (IBCT) of the United States Army that is stationed in Vicenza, Italy. I found out he was on the plane behind me after roll call satin the rain and mud Thank god for them. What is the average lifespan of a veteran? and were sometimes in more combat during their tour than the actual grunts they supported they still werent awarded the CIB. Another who is 85,from Colorado and was on the USS Rhona in Tunisia in the early stages of WWll who filed his claim at age 80 for PTSD. You should document that to the Patient Advocate Office. They are getting old, as time passes away from history those part of it become history themselves. Required fields are marked *. I had them look at my VA narrative pointing out stressors and stressor events in the Nam. i mention the verified stressers, as i wonder if that could help in the decision on a cib. Thanks to our Editor, Mark Evans, I have some raison de etre. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history until it was overtaken by the one in Afghanistanand servicemen typically did one-year tours of duty. Call me next week sometime, and I will help you with the stressor stuff. The federal agency sent its sympathies but no money. 1st Recon April 12, 1997. Commissioned in 1980 as a Behavioral Science Officer and went from 0-1 to 0-6 until I retired in 2005. i just learned, they are going to give me 40% for a couple things. Something to be proud of! I too am a Marine Vietnam Veteran; (7th Marines 67-69), with multiple diagnoses. Vallo To me, It means today is a fresh start and we have one more chance at having a normal life. This isnt good news for us in country vets. In popular culture, the stereotype of the broken, homeless Vietnam vet began to take hold thanks to films like The Deer Hunter (1978), Coming Home (1978) and First Blood (1982). December 27, 2018 (aged 112 years, 230 days) Austin, Texas, U.S. Oliver Stone. Peter Langenus, today the Commander of VFW Post 653 in New Canaan, Connecticut, commanded Delta Company, 3rd Battalion/7th Infantry, 199th Light Infantry Brigade from 1969-70. HISTORY reviews and updates its content regularly to ensure it is complete and accurate. At this rate there will be only a few of us alive in 2015. He and I just emailed each other on Jan. 2, 2011. Anyone can use no. dont know about My English teaching assistant at the U of A, in 1971, called me a baby killer, and spat on the ground. all the best from life. It is anticipated that the overall number of veterans would fall from 19.5 million in the year 2020 to 13.6 million in the year 2048. In response to several comments, Ive never heard of anyone other than a grunt in Vietnam being eligible for the CIB. All Rights Reserved. No more mr. Nice Guy. OK I found the source and and researching this more. Compared to the U. S. population, the mortality rates of Veterans are higher at older ages, and the life expectancy of Veterans are estimated to be 0.7-0.9 life-years shorter for males, and to be 1.2-1.3 life-years shorter for female at age 25, 45, and 65. How did American soldiers treat the Vietnamese? Jim and I flew from Da Nang, to Kadena Okinawa, and then after an attempt to fly out of Kadena in a Flying Tiger Line plane one of the 4 engines quit in mid-air, and we made an emergency landing back at Kadena, we stayed overnight and flew out in the same repaired airplane on to Travis A.F. They may look appealing but can actually take up to 5 years to schedule a hearing. A group of amputee Vietnam veterans talk together at a hospital in San Francisco, California, 1967. Millions served in Vietnam. Check with your local VA claims agent. Im a Life member of VVA, DAV and AMVETs; spend almost two years in Vet Nam as Medic with 145th Avn Btn AND 11th ARVN Airborne Brigade. Two things I have to add, one is that many Viet Nam Veterans died in the line of duty as Law Enforcement Officers ( and that as a police officer I was not prone to PTSD , I hope more were like me. Age: 75. Ill never ware a baseball cap again ever! i forgot to mention in my above comment,that i was in the first infantry division,(the big red one),charlie company,2nd battalion,16th infantry regiment,rangers,in vietnam. 24 you guys read to many bullshit books!!! Protestors demonstrate for full benefits for all US veterans, including Vietnam War veterans in July, 1974. The figures reported here (and the same text is widely seen) are all correct with one major exception. With the internet and sites like this, Im hoping to hear from someone I served with Lincoln, Nebraska is where I call home. "Of the 2,709,918 Americans who served in Vietnam, less than 850,000 are estimated to be alive today, with the youngest American Vietnam veteran's age approximated to be 54 years old." Can you put dead flowers in food waste bin? They quickly filed paperwork with the Department of Veterans Affairs, or VA, for disability payments. E-5Sent to W. Germany Nov 1966-Sept.67 ,Volunteered for Vietnam Nov. 1967-Sept 1968 9th Inf. Guy C. Lamunyon tell everyone that was their to go & get a blood test to check for agent orange 1st comes diabetes then prostate cancer thats what a dr told me yesterday. Brault statistics that are at once depressing yet in a larger sense should give you a HUGE SENSE OF PRIDE. Age 67. tell me what you think about the article I just wrote about former Senator Alan Simpson, at His comments about Agent Orange victims are going to keep me up nights! I knew we were losing our numbers fast but not nearly as fast as we are, thank you for the education. Bill Ray/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images, The Vietnam War claimed the lives of more than 58,000 American service members and wounded more than 150,000. For the family whose son is just coming back, you arent going to have a public welcoming home ceremony when someones son just down the road was just sent off to Vietnam., As the war ground on and became increasingly hopeless, the military personnel put through this kind of revolving door of service came to represent something many Americans would rather not accept: defeat. He led his men on operations that lasted 30 days or more in some of Vietnams most inhospitable conditions, without shaving, bathing or changing clothing. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? As a combat veteran of Marine Corps having served in Vietnam, I have always known that we seem to have a mortality clock that ticks a bit faster than then that of the standard for insurance actuaries. So my main man at the DAV said were not going to appeal. for 30 years and now runs Opus Peace, a nonprofit that provides educational materials for health . They have since been removed and for now he's doing well. He lived for three days after that incident. wouldnt it be wild if we could have a gathering of ALL Vietnam Veterans in DC? Statistics show that at least five men killed in Vietnam were sixteen years old, and at least 12 were seventeen years old. According to figures provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs of the United States, 530 Vietnam veterans pass away every single day. How long will flowers last in wet floral foam? Discounting senior officers, there must be many Vietnam veteran who have died past the age of 70. When I first went to Vietnam in Nov. 1967 about 90% of the unit were made up of Im always looking around at whats going on. Thanks for all your help for the vets. The ages of those who served in Vietnam varied anywhere from 55 to 97 years old. Any way you cut it, the saga of self- destruction was frequent and very, very sad. losing nearly 711,000 between 95 and 00. Vietnam veterans are reaching a point in their lives where they may be retired, losing the past support systems of family and friends, susceptible to depression and prime candidates for. Most Vietnam Veterans are in their 60s and the average lifespan for a male in USA is 74. This is a question as I have not been able to find the source of 13M+ falsely claiming to be RVN vets. So long ago-time tames the memories and makes them Kind!!!! It was after returning to the U.S. and while en route to the hospital that Wowwk first encountered hostility as a veteran. Its better than nothing. There does seem to be some amorphous time clock inside the Vietnam Veteran. There is no way that 69% of those who served are now dead, as is easily noted by the unit reunions that occur and the personal circle of other vets than many vets have. At your next response, should you be so kind, I will tell you of a career U.S. Navy hero who died alone, broke, unsung in a Trailer park in Oregon. Related: More Than 100 Sickened in Arizona Cryptosporidium Parasite Outbreak, "In the best of all worlds, if you came down with cholangiocarcinoma, just like Agent Orange, you automatically were in," he said, referring to benefits granted to veterans exposed to the toxic defoliant sprayed in Vietnam. and counseling even before they get out of the service and checks nearly immediately upon discharge in the event of a disability. 101st Airborne 1971 Hi Mike, Ach, the memories. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? The VA study, along with a call by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York for broader research into liver flukes and cancer-stricken veterans, began after The Associated Press raised the issue in a story last year. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? The program is for federal, state and local communities, Veterans' organizations and other nongovernmental organizations. Look upon myself as a well Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ps American soldiers returning home from Vietnam often faced scorn as the war they had fought in became increasingly unpopular. It can take decades for symptoms to appear. does not receiving a cib mean im not a combat vet? More over 8 million people served their country in some capacity during the Vietnam War, and those veterans who are still alive now are often in their 60s and 70s. The past 5 years has seen a ton of so called veteran statistics that are clearly confabulated. I welcomed 2 Marines back home and they returned the gesture. Neither of us has since flown again. Ant help would be greatly appreciated. At the same time all my friends whom never served had good jobs and new cars etc. Required fields are marked *. (LOL) During this Census count, a huge number of Americans falsely claimed to have December 21, 1953 Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S. There are tons of Era Vets who are categorized as Vietnam Veterans, which is sort of true, but they are Vietnam ERA Vets, and never left the United States. Look up the webstite. Nice to be reminded of our true niche in historythank God, not the Hollywood one! Nice Web. And yet our government which is one of the best in the world scares the crap out of me. Just finished writing a book about an incident in Vietnam that tells a story about how twisted and asymmetric that war was. Very good but alarming article. Crazy shit. Cheers. civilian world and create a new life for ourselves. How many Vietnam vets are dying each day? Alcohol induced psychosis and death from toxicity is not suicide, or is it? He immediately scheduled further tests, discovering he had two cysts on his bile duct, which had the potential to develop into the cancer, known as cholangiocarcinoma. I knew how to get more than enough for everything I needed. EM Club after that, I never saw Walker again. Please look at his webpage: I was married for 30 years, then divorced now for 10. Have you tried to apply? None of that, he says, prepared me for the reception at home upon our return.. I was a Medic with the 93rd Evac. The official VA figures for surviving vets of the Viet Nam era show 81% to still be around; the percentage for those who served in Viet Nam is slightly lower, due first to the fact that 58,000 died there. Sorry about the delay here in answering. What seeds should I start indoors in February. Who was the youngest American soldier killed in Vietnam? Tell them you want to request a CIB. As for suicides, this is mostly a myth seconday to a VA study in the 1970s that included all Vietnam eta veterans. We took care of the Big Red 1 and the 173rd Sky soliders Long Bein . The collective emotion of the country was divided, says Jerry Lembke, a Vietnam veteran, sociologist and author of The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. we went to the 1st sargent and he said ok. i went out for 7 or 8 mo. I do not concur with this figure. We were driving home from the airport when I heard the news. Why are Vietnam vets dying so fast? "You didn't have to go fighting.". He and I flew out of Da Nang on the morning of Jan 1, 1968 (that night Da Nang A.B. Less than half of them submitted claims for service-related benefits, mostly because they were not aware of a possible connection to Vietnam. V.F.W. Needless to say neither of us flew again after that, he is 100% PTSD . I discovered the VA and local Vet center and was walked through the process to get compensation for PTSD and Diabetes. for years, all I asked for was a good nights sleep., MY MINISTRY:, De Nomie, William D. Sgt. Lets all prove the stats wrong. I remember feeling like, what could I do to acknowledge them, and I just gave the peace signal, Wowwk says. Please post the SOURCE of this statistic. He was among those who got the call. Often, just being in the TAOR, tactical area of responsibility will qualify you for a CIB? Was an 11B grunt with the First Air Cav (C1/7) in 71/72. It got too overwhelming for me, there were so MANY. )to be with the forward observers that were attached to e-troop. I feel confident they will take care of you now. Although I have to plan most everything I do so as to avoid the things that still bother me..-I started looking up my VN buddies a few years ago,, so far Ive located 10 men that was in my CompanyTalk to them on a regular basis.Bad part is that out of the 10 men 7 of us have major mental and physical problems. Weve used them up we need young ones. i think anyone that went to vietnam should go to a va hospital & get checked out. Says here, 2047. Local boards called men classified 1-A, 18-1/2 through 25 years old, oldest first. We returned back to NY on Jan. 2, 1968. Ischemic heart problems. Thanks Jim, that was very thorough. thanks rich. Astonishing! Vietnam veterans hold a silent march down Pennsylvania Avenue past the White House here on April 22, 1971. These statistics were taken from a variety of sources to include: The VFW 1995 (census figures). We had it nice compared to the line Medics. Somethings Ill never do: Poison, who cares? Mike 520-360-6933. And I believe the qualifier thereis that many were claiming to be combatvets when in reality the ratio of logistics to grunts was about 9:1 therefore the large number suggested was true Vietnam Veterans, just not combat vets. The excess mortality, especially through motor vehicle accidents, suicide, homicide, and accidental poisonings, occurred mainly in the first 5 years after discharge from active duty and involved. So it is not so much the numbers as the age at which Vietnam Veterans pass on to glory. For those who believe that the stories of being spit on and being called baby killers and other injustices is crap than you are living in a dream world. Seventeen year-old James Calvin Ward was one of them. I found out later after I got up that it was someone down the hall from me that shot himself. Some may have escaped the digs and harsh words and that is good but make no mistake those things did happen. As for the CAR, that might be another story. And before we ate our food they came from the beach and were to be sprayed along with everything else that the VA is making this presumption for having boots on the ground for even one minute. of Veterans Affairs that was the only fullfilling job I ever had. What order should I watch Flowers in the Attic series? 61% of those killed were younger than twenty one and 11,465 of those killed were younger than twenty years of age. what does that tell u? Abit more images would be nice. I was wondering about these statistics. GOD BLESS ALL VETS. Since 9/11, patriotic gestures, like wearing flag pins and saying, Thank you for your service, have become common, as more troops are sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. Hundreds of veterans have been infected by a slow-killing parasite while fighting in Southeast Asia. How the hell can anyone answer this question? best regards. Combat Medic I am unable to find the museums referred to, though I find a National Vietnam War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. Any numbers on this would be greatly appreciated. He was the youngest American service member to be killed in the Vietnam War. served in-country . Where is the museum and website referred to as the source of the figure 800,000 living Vietnam veterans? Even though thousands served with the Infantry units as FOs, Dog Handlers, EOD etc. So, lets say there were not more, just, alot. It is still tragic. We spent more forward deployed time than the WW2 vets, we never lost a major battle, we were greeted with the most abuse and disdain from the country we had served than any previous generation of veteran, and we were the genesis of all war-fighting doctrine today. There are currently 83,204 unaccounted for U.S.personnel, and the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office at the Pentagon reports that this number includes 73,547 service members from World War II, 7,883 service members from the Korean War, 126 service members from the Cold War, 1,642 service members from the Vietnam War, and six service members from Iraq and other recent conflicts, including three Defense Department personnel. Bill. Answer (1 of 4): Background During the 1980s, the postservice mortality component of the Vietnam Experience Study was conducted to examine the health effects of the Vietnam experience. I am unable to find the museum websites referred to, though I find a National War Museum and a Veterans Memorial Museum. This was partly due to the logistics of the never-ending conflict. The Vietnam War lasted from 1964-1973the longest war in American history. Burkett is the author of Stolen Valor: How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heroes and its History, which was published in 1998 and received widespread acclaim. No 'Welcome Home' parades for Vietnam vets. sent back to the 4/18 artillery, the same unit I left in Germany. How old did you have to be to be drafted in Vietnam? The last Vietnam Vet will die in 2047. We built houches in 1967. The odd thing, I was at Tripler Hospital today and learned something interesting. Good luck and take care -Jim. please pardon the French. C.I.B. Thank you. Your email address will not be published. Soon we won't have any World War II Veterans remaining. While I was in Vietnam I saw men, who did brave and heroic deeds they deserve God bless you guys for your sacrifice. (Reuters Health) - Higher than average death rates among Vietnam War veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) suggest that combat trauma may still be affecting veterans' health even decades after the war, according to a new study. Thank You. Mike you write well and to get to core issues. Baughman, who is thin and weak, recently plucked out "Country Roads" on a bass during a jam session at his cabin in West Virginia. but sofar nothing how many are reallyleft? If you read the Taps in their mag there seems to be an alarming rate of NamVets dying in theirlate fifties and early sixties. where did this nunber come from, the people I am dealing with look closely at source material and I would really like to use this. 2015if any.. What does it mean to give someone their flowers while they live? Since 1988, The War Library has been making efforts to confirm the names of all United States military personnel who served in Vietnam or who were awarded the Vietnam War Service Medal. (fact check note by Mike Brewer. 1 just disappeared, and then theres me. Im 66 years old, going in to the hospital for the 4th time for more stents. The number of Vietnam veterans affected by the chemical Agent Orange is astonishing. In Country, that empty feeling was with me for years, until I worked for the Dept. VA said not related to Agent Orange. Born: 01/29/1945. I have a few observations, but I will let you all go first. She was right. ive always just repied yes, and left it at that. Showing Greensburg, Indiana, U.S. Garwood was transferred to North Vietnam in 1969, and according to reports, he was freed in 1973 along with the other American prisoners of war as part of the Paris Peace Accords. If not mustard gas, then agent orange, the the Gulf syndrome. 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