However, this ended up being rejected by Kojima,[38] although a similar design would be used for the character The Fear. The story was initially intended to act as an interquel, taking place between Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty and Metal Gear Solid 4 and explaining what happened to Raiden during this time. Ames goes on to reveal that the aim of the terrorists is not the destruction of the Big Shell, but the ultimate aim of the terrorists is to detonate a nuclear bomb over Manhattan, thus liberating it from the influence of the Patriots because of an electromagnetic pulse that will knock out all communications. He implied that he gained the skill at cleaning up from having to clean up various messes that Rosemary left at her apartment. In the trailer for the Battle against RAY, Raiden is revealed to have a different HUD based on the one seen in Metal Gear Solid 4, because he was using a modified version of his original cyborg body, as well as the battle taking place before his duel with Sam. According to the creators, they were specifically tasked with creating the episode by Hideo Kojima himself. He then fought with the leader of the forces stationed at Abkhazia, Mistral. Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. John, nicknamed Little John, is the son of Raiden and Rosemary. Sam is entirely sure of his cause. However, they eventually got the latter to reprise his role when Metal Gear Solid: Rising was revamped into Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Originally, it was planned that Raiden's privates would have been exposed during combat against soldiers on Arsenal Gear after escaping the Torture Chamber, but before meeting Solid Snake, depending on how the player did. Raiden shared some similarities with his Cyborg Ninja predecessor, Gray Fox; both had been child soldiers who were given nicknames (and to a lesser extent, formal names) due to their brutality, underwent cybernetic experimentation by the Patriots, had their memories suppressed, used technologically advanced blades, and they both saved Solid Snake from a Metal Gear (Fox with Metal Gear REX, and Raiden with Outer Haven). [21] Raiden, upon returning to active combat, aggressively chose Maverick missions that directly related to Desperado's activities. Raiden's "father" would also have resembled Solidus. Similarly, some concept artworks for Raiden himself also had him wearing an outfit superficially resembling his Skull Suit with a face mask covering all but his upper face, as well as his carrying a then-infantile Sunny. WEB shop Don Quixote group, Rakuten Books, Kingdom of momotaro, keepsakes). Like Solidus and Fortune, Raiden's other name is also that of a playing card - King, Queen, and Jack, respectively. Because of the limited time, they had to undergo ignition without a countdown. Raiden's business suit from the prologue was also implied in one of his cards in Metal Gear Solid: Social Ops to be an unlockable skin, similar to Snake's suit in Metal Gear Solid 4. he shot himself. He also supplied Blade Wolf with Sam's sword, at the unmanned gear's request. Raiden was skilled at cleaning up messes, as he mentioned to the Colonel regarding not leaving stuff lying around at Strut C during the Big Shell Incident. In the Location Trailer released alongside the Zan-Datsu & Custom Body Trailers, a part of it showed Raiden wielding Mistral's Etrangers, suggesting that he could wield the weapons of rival cyborgs he's beaten. In exchange for his services, MSF also promised to supply him with patches from the XOF as payment. Raiden's claim of being a "two-percenter" is a subtle reference to the term "one-percenter," referring to the concept of the 1% of America's richest people. [54] Raiden's sombrero outfit later made an appearance twice in the TGS 2012 trailer: The first time is seen briefly where he is driving a black car, and the second is nearing the end of the trailer: Two people (implied to be Mexicans/Latin Americans and confirmed to be Mexicans in the official PlayStation Blog) find Raiden on the other side of the road attempting to enter a manhole, while holding up a sewer grate shortly after his car left. He also realized that Sam barely possessed cybernetics. The word "Raiden" (, "Raiden"?) Raiden was a special character downloadable from the SCENE expansion pack along with Vamp. Several of Raiden's skills in the game have names referencing thunder and lightning. A Raiden then reengaged Armstrong, gradually overpowering him. Deducing that World Marshal intended to frame Desperado with the attack on the President, Raiden decided to destroy the control tower, hoping to cause enough damage to get the United States military to realize something was wrong. Kojima has also explicitly stated that Raiden is his favorite character in Metal Gear Solid 2, a view that was also shared by Flynn. Raiden's childhood trauma still has a significant toll on his mental state, although he repressed some of the memories of the atrocities he comitted. Raiden had some knowledge of pop culture, as his meeting with Rose occurred from an argument relating to the building the titular monster climbed in the film King Kong (Rose claimed it was the Chrysler Building which Raiden pointed out was in Godzilla), and was at least familiar with the film Escape from New York, as he deduced the partial origin of Solid Snake's alias, Iroquois Pliskin, from that film. Solidus then destroyed them out of frustration. Eventually, he settles for "cybernetic private military security soldier" as his last chance at a job where he was met with implied success. Due to his participation in the Liberian Civil War, Raiden was one of the few Force XXI VR subjects to possess actual combat experience. On one occasion, Jack was injected with an unknown substance during a physician's experiment. Raiden entered the lobby and also heard Sundowner's announcement congratulating Raiden on killing Monsoon and telling him to "go nuts." The doctor then managed to resuscitate Raiden and ordered the beginning of the optical implant, with Raiden wondering what happened to him. Entitled Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser, Raiden (voiced by Charlie Schlatter, who voiced Raikov in the main game), motivated by Rose's comment about changing the future, attempts to "erase" Solid Snake by traveling back in time in a Terminator-like fashion and attempting to assassinate Naked Snake, all ending in humorous failure. Despite the scientist's attempts to silence George, George's encouragement was enough for Raiden to agree to cutting down both the scientist and George. Concept artwork for Liquid Ocelot included sketches where Ocelot was ambushed by a mysterious figure, and the figure manages to cut Ocelot's right forearm off, la Metal Gear Solid. He is a Liberian-American special forces . This allowed him to wield his sword between his teeth, throw and jam his blade into a wall exactly in front of Snake to stop him, and fend off against several FROG soldiers without his arms. His skills with a bladed weapon, as well as his cruelty in dispatching enemies with them, was another reason for his "Ripper" nickname. He decided to forsake his sword for the mission, instead relying on a firearm. The exclusive armors can be downloaded via purchasing codes from KonamiStyle, Tsutaya, and Geo, respectively. The Metal Gear series had frequently referenced works of Bowie. In one of the Alternative Missions, Raiden's dead body must be examined in order to identify and photograph his killer from a selection of characters in the torture facility of Arsenal Gear. Raiden later received a copy of the Etranger from Maverick and Doktor, having developed it from careful analysis of Mistral's combat data. [29] He also became somewhat cocky as well, as evidenced by, after kicking an enemy soldier into a parked black car hard enough to almost flip over the car as well as set off the car alarm, his remarking that it was "too easy" before promptly cutting up the enemy soldier. Raiden was also capable of running fast enough to scale walls without falling. On the upside, the eye-patch's cloth was covered in small cameras, to provide enhanced visual perception. Specifically, he was modified to allow for him to utilize mid-range attacks via throwing grenades, allowing him to carry an increased supply of various grenade types; and the Command armor, colored yellow-green and possessing a traditional fighting system. Once unlocked, Raiden becomes a skin available to use on missions and in the open world, and he has the fastest sprint speed in the game. While Wolverine's healing factor and adamantium skeleton made him a tough match for the ninja cyborg, Raiden ultimately triumphed due to his superior strength, speed, and his blade being able to weaken molecular bonds similar to Misty Knight's Antarctic Vibranium arm allowing him to cut through Wolverine's supposedly indestructible skeleton. He then wiped out the soldiers guarding the area, after triggering alarms. In a leaked casting call for Metal Gear Rising, they requested for at least four live actors to portray characters for a trailer. However, when Dolzaev refused, Raiden deduced from his reply that he was actually intending to blow himself up near a power pylon as his final act, but was unable to stop him in time. A Raiden is reconstructed by his PMC, and his search for Sam and the company he's working for, Desperado Enforcement LLC., drives him into a quest for vengeance. Max STMN In addition, "Raiden" was initially supposed to be his real name, with his full name being "Raiden Brannigan," during development. At one point in 2018, he told fellow Maverick member Courtney Collins that he was a huge movie buff, when she reacted with surprise that Raiden actually watched samurai films. The negative reception towards Raiden and Rose was also alluded to regarding Raiden and Rose's VR avatars in the same story line, in the scene where Solidus is forced to summon their avatars, where it was stated their misdeeds earned them "the combined hate of the entire universe" as well as the ability to "destroy a world" simply by there mere presence, and thus they were infamous in countless universes.[45]. Raiden is first depicted as a white-haired adult who uses a protective suit known as a "Skull Suit" (, Sukaru Stsu) for his missions in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Raiden himself did VIP protection, military training, and other related jobs. He also was requested by Doktor to retrieve the left hands of any cyborgs that he defeated, largely due to the valuable data stored on their arms, in exchange for both the surgery and any future upgrades. This confuses Raiden, who had been told by Colonel Campbell that this is the case. Nonetheless, he did end up suspicious when Rosemary seemed to be praiseworthy of Pliskin. After becoming an cyborg, Raiden implied that he would drown if he attempted to swim due to his immense weight. He did possess optical implants to a slightly lesser degree prior to the upgrade, which displayed things in a HUD.[32]. Upon reaching the 20th floor of the lower half of the building (the regular workplace area), he then proceeded to destroy three power supply generators, including a backup supply, to deactivate a security gate for an elevator for the top half of the building where the research and development center was located. In addition, he also assured them that when the player play the game, they'll like Raiden a lot more than in Metal Gear Solid 2. He later witnessed the deaths of Seal Team 10's Bravo Unit at the hands of Fortune. After tracking the Desperado leader, Raiden confronted Sundowner, the Prime Minister, as well as Sam down to a train, Raiden was forced to watch Sundowner kill N'mani. However, this concept ended up being cut in the final version.[44]. At the end of Metal Gear Rising, Raiden is a public criminal after having fought through Denver's police department and much of World Marshall's forces. After undergoing surgery to clear his body of nanomachines and being saved by Drago Pettrovich Madnar, he was successful in reclaiming Big Boss' remains from the Patriots. He also knew at least some Spanish, as evidenced by his telling two Mexican pedestrians who spotted him "Adios, amigos!" Raiden also appeared in the series official site's Versus Battle, both in-game and via promotional products. He then revealed that he knew Sam from three prior wars. Raiden then vowed that he was done running, while Rose vowed that she was no longer afraid. This was all again part of their carefully plotted scheme that would culminate in the events a the Big Shell. His training with Solidus suggested some emphasis in melee combat, and particularly in bladed weapons, as demonstrated by his defeat of Solidus in a sword fight during the Big Shell Incident. Coincidentally, Kenyu Horiuchi, Raiden's Japanese voice actor, had previously voiced the character Pain from the anime adaptation of the manga series Naruto. He also was skilled at being attuned with nature, also known as scouting, which he gave Solid Snake pointers in it when contacting him about in South America. When Sunny confronted Raiden about this via Codec, Raiden mentioned he thought the gate was simply unlocked for him. During the attack on Outer Haven, he also appeared amidst several lightning strikes that killed several FROGS. Raiden, having been overtaken by his "Jack the Ripper" persona. Raiden, however, also expressed disgust towards the Patriots' actions, and made it clear beforehand that he will not follow their commands anymore. Raiden himself makes a cameo appearance as a poster in the locker that Naked Snake places Raikov inside upon stripping him of his uniform, as a subtle reference to their similar physical appearances. The nickname's use in this case was a reference to Caucasians (Raiden's ethnicity) being unusual in Liberia at the time of the Liberian Civil War. However, on the downside, he possesses less stamina and health points which makes him vulnerable when he is surrounded by enemies. Because Ghost Babel was developed and released prior to Metal Gear Solid 2, this technically was Raiden's first appearance in the series. The second conversation, unlocked after completing the Raikov disguise, has Major Zero commenting that the disguise "is irritating [Zero] already." In the Japanese version, however, Raiden actually spoke with a deep bass voice. Command Raiden Skin bonus giveaway advert for Geo. Indeed, while under this persona, he frequently breaks out into manic laughter when killing his enemies; he also emits a crimson aura, and keeps the blood of his enemies on his sword. Afterwards, he, under the cautions of the Blade Wolf, carefully navigated the cyborg-infested sewers before being ambushed by a Mastiff cyborg. Although he immensely respected Solid Snake, there were instances where it had its rough spots during the Big Shell Incident, such as when he learned that Snake and Otacon lied to him about whether they knew about the Big Shell being a great big conspiracy, as well as a remark Snake made that got him angered enough to make explosive insults about Snake, not realizing that he was in earshot, and when Snake "betrayed" Raiden at Arsenal Gear to lessen security on-board without warning him beforehand. Raiden's concept as effectively being a third-person witness to Snake's exploits was likewise inspired by the character Watson from the detective franchise Sherlock Holmes. Armstrong believed that America had rotted to the core, so he intended to remake America so the citizens will all fight, die, and kill for whatever they individually believed in. Sundowner then informed him that the event was the beginning of Operation Tecumseh, but elaborated no further. [17] During the procedure, they also had to replace memory units in his nervous system, and he was also losing a lot of blood due to his earlier wounds, forcing the doctors to put a clamp on him, which also resulted in Raiden flashing back to his time as a child soldier in Liberia, where he was injected with something. The lines themselves, however, are incorporated into optional Codec conversations for Chapter R-04. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. Not just because of the twist of not playing as Solid Snake but because Raiden is an obnoxious, whiny, overly emotional child throughout the entirety of MGS2 and that's basically his whole personality". The eye color was rectified in a promotional render released several months later via the online game Metal Gear Solid: Piece Walker. Campbell that this is the son of Raiden and ordered the beginning of the stationed... 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