My ever-fattening belly is a testimony of how well I clean my plate and often get additional helpings so the food is not wasted. Later she will humiliate me for the pig I have become while loving the control she has over my feeding weakness. I dont think she wanted a portly husband. But: He's fat. This 250 lb tub is already gaining. I think it is kind of interesting that my oldest who is 5. weighs almost as much as your 10 year old. Just because you like it doesnt mean being fat is healthy for your body. It's not my place to be mad if he wants to less eat or drink fewer sodas. She is still breast feeding our youngest and needs to be pumped on a daily basis and since she is so huge, she has difficulty doing it herself. A fat body can (but does not always) imply laziness, short-sightedness, and a kind of disregard for one's holistic well-being." "A woman who is fat clearly just doesn't care about herself." "Being . Too bad she doesn't want any more kids! Her OB was alarmed! The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Here's the best solution: Make his weight-loss . Its been 4 years and we're married now and i've gained 100 pounds, yet he still keeps feeding me, giving me larger portions and more dessert than ever because he wants me to get to 400 pounds, which is fine with me cuz now i just, like, don't care anymore about how hevy i am. My wife isn't quite as heavy as yours. He doesn't like the extra weight on him, but he seems to like when I grab his belly and moobs. We'all think he looks like a real healthy plump boy. At 31, I've been in a couple of long-term relationships before. I want to admit to him, but I'm afraid. Better s**, less arrogant and more relaxed.Just gotta keep having s** with them and keep giving them good food for an easy life. Oh I know why BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY. They read something about being fat helps you think better or something like that. You should always seek an expert opinion if you need to. That said, unless they ask, you should not be sharing your negative opinion about any aspect of your partners physical appearance. That will make her feel confident and beautiful and want her to keep those extra pounds for her appreciative man! What justification do people have for imposing that type of stress on someone? I know my wife, who loves to eat too much to worry about how fat she is or will become, really started to pack on the pounds after she became friends with a coworker who is even fatter the she is. With her size now I have to have her track pants made and forget undergarments bras and panties they don't make any large enough for her. I too am a fat wife. How much weight has she gained so far? We can't wait for summer so we can show me off at the beach, this tiny little woman and her balloon-boyfriend. I dont have no plans for slowing down. It always becomes insanely Unhealthy. I was, too. I love having a takeaway once or twice a week. I asked him why and he said I am getting bigger and bigger, and soon I will not be able to sit in his car. Well, she knew I wouldn't mind at all if she gained weight, so she soon was eating anything she wanted, and the fat piled on. We all love to eat and we all love our fat and growing bodies as well. Sounds fantastic - are you mutually gaining? Unfortunately when my wife wants her favorite high fat, high carb foods, the kids want to eat that as well and telling children that young that they cannot have what mommy is having or what their friends are having is kind of difficult. Yeah, I gained during the pandemic, then added to that. W / Women Now True story: "I gained 20kg to please my fat-loving boyfriend" Clara* was slim all her life, but falling in love with a man who preferred chubby women put her on the path to weight gain - and she says she has no regrets Im the bloated one. I write about why I'm fat and what has worked for me to lose weight and the things I've learned about how hard it is, and the problems with that. Health is not moral. Maybe your boyfriend likes it as much as you do, so he is not particularly worried about it. I talked for a long time and don't remember everything I said but the energy was, "I am awesome, I am doing the best I can, and my . It was just me trying to neigh the my instincts of becoming a complete blob. Sooooooo, why do people do this Again? Being open and honest is what worked for us. am going with it. Over the years shes put on 100 pounds. Blow up huge together. Also, attraction isnt purely physical. It was a pretty rough birth as our daughter was very large, almost 12lbs so a c-section was performed. I could do with some now actually! There is plenty of them out there. He wonders why idon't want sex anymore. mmmmmmmm Anita G. Last week my chubby hubby called me, he needed a seat belt extender on a flight. I know it's not good for you but I am having fun with it and figure I can lose if any health problems show up. Ive tried, but shes just not comfortable talking about it. To be even clearer: I AM NOT CONCERNED ABOUT HIS WEIGHT IN TERMS OF HIS HEALTH. YOUR KILLING YOUR HUSBANDS!!! He tells me, don't lose them, he likes them and side belly. Waddling through the mall or on the beach together- blubber rippling. That's a pretty dangerous road to go down. But Ive gained almost 90 pounds in the last couple years. I asked him if he wanted me to gain weight and he said he wouldnt mind a few extra pounds. Weve been together three years. It turns him on but Im just tolerating it. I am that fat wife. But life happens and with work and kids and the house it is only natural that he got bigger. I'm happy and lucky. Im over 300 pounds now and feel an affinity to any fatty I see. How do you feel about it? His messed-up mind tells him, "Nobody will want a fat . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. . LOL. When we were dating she was 180 or 190, and she's only 5'6". skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. How much weight has he gained? Ladies, its not the worst thing to have a bigger guy in your life. Its interesting to see how some people are comfortable in the club and others are fighting it. He says the s** is beyond awesome. We been dating 6 years and now its been almost year since her surgery. Im pleased that my girls have been accepted by their peers. Shes definitely into me - been married 20 years! I said I didn't want her to have it that she looked beautiful. And Im waddling more now than ever. 5. Make sure a friend . At 5'-3" tall she was beautifully plump. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. Does it mean I never loved him? To determine whether your husband may be skinny fat, you should get his body composition analyzed to find out the percentage of body fat first from a reliable source. My hubs says he will get me an aide for me. I feel very, very shameful and bad. We even talked about marriage in first year . I would really enjoy my wife gaining weight, but shes a gym rat. Im really liking it. I guess because it came from someone else. I love him and he still provides well. Skinny fat is caused mainly by insufficient muscle mass, leading to a larger body fat percentage. For more information, please see our Well, a year ago, I gots preggo, and the doctor's like, I gots to loose weight, cuz I was like 320 pounds and He says its gonna be a prob for the pregancy. Now I'm a size 24 slacks and 3x top. I can't take my hands off her fat bum . I love getting fatter and fatter for my husband. This is going to take effort, time, and patience, which very much sucks. It would be wonderful if we didnt ascribe any meaning at all to someones weight. I just kept saying how lovely and sexy she looked and the more I'd say more she seemed to gain she has a sweet tooth and likes takeaway, My wife is a bbw 350 pounds love her rolls of fat that hang over her fat p**** and huge saggy t*** 44Ddd, My wife lisa is the same way 365 pounds she has fat rolls that hang over fat hairy p**** she also has huge saggy 44 DD t*** with big pink nipples, Any tips on getting my wife fatter? WE HAVE IT HERE. If all goes to plan, he'll run the whole way there. I'm just too lazy to try and lose it! I don't know exactly what I'd thought I'd accomplish by confessing. Copyright 20052023 The things I've enjoyed, the ups and downs of fat people because I'm fat, and any advice and tips & ideas I've picked up along the way that has helped me and may help you. In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. . Is it all her fault? (25-29) I think my boyfriend has been trying to make me 'bigger'. Id be angry! You need to let her do what makes her feel happy. She succeeded. An my baby girl, she gonna be nice an plump too! My oldest is 10 and around 190lbs and her younger sister who is 8 is about 160lbs. . He loves to eat and at the end of a long day I love to see him happy. Its just how I feel about it. I feel free to indulge without need to justify anything, especially to strangers with dubious intentions. Its not weird at all; many people actually find chubby spouses adorable instead of repulsive, thinking they resemble a cute little teddy bear, and cuddling with them at night would be extra comfortable. They were'nt worried about how the partner's of his daughter/sister looks. (I mean when we're not arguing about something.) . Im not sure if shes stepped up her efforts, or if Im just finally tuned in. My lovely wife had been gaining weight over the years, then, at one point, when she was around 255 pounds (5'5") she decided, enough, time to go on a diet. I also say "Your b.o.o.b.s are bigger than mine!" Do maintenance loans classify as income in student finance application? One told me, "Yeah, you didn't realize . Were not kids any more. I tell him he's gorgeous and perfect. So I recently asked my husband that if he could choose what weight I could be, what would he choose (Im 55 and WAS about 125 pounds). She was positiveky ecstatic and wasted no time in going back to her old eating habits. He stepped on the scale the other day and he has gained 50 pounds!The problem is I feel guilty watching him fatten up and liking it. We's got preggo 2 years ago when I's 400 an I put on about 85 pounds. You can be disappointed and angry and impatient and sad about not feeling horny for your partner, for how your sex life is going, for what your relationship is right now. Most would hate it, but some would like it. Its been Thanksgiving almost every day since. I love his growing cute little (for now) belly. In simpler words, just because you look skinny and think that you have a healthy body does not mean you are fully healthy because of skinny fat. I do! His waist was 35-36, now 44 and his belly hangs over his belt a lot. Haha I assume the censored comment was "b-o-o-b-s." I don't know why but i think it's funny when guys get fat and they grow a pair, sorry LOL. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I'm a 14 yo virgin who hasn't had my period,is that normal? My husband is getting fat. I purposely dont go to the doctor so he leaves me alone, and when I shows up in my 9th month, i f ucking nearly pass out when he sees me. he might actually be suffering from serious health issues. Be well ladies. They'd hate it!!!!! I want to be a My husband is getting fat and I love it! Like I said, it took some pressure off to know how he felt. That is why unless you get regular health check-ups, you probably wont be able to know. My husband is fattening up even without my help. I'll bet they ready have physical limitations that will affect their health down the line. They're sooo cute! Over the first year, I increased his portion sizes and at our first anniversary he weighed in at 250, a 70 pound gain. I love him to bits . Does she yo-to, too? You want him to like himself as much as you . I thought I was the only one with a wife like that. I have been determined to let myself be a total glutton--more than before we's got married. She says she feel perfectly fine, and won't go back to the doctor unless she doesn't feel well. He always puts us first and works really hard. Over the four years we've been married, she has completely ballooned, weighing 245 or so after year 1, then 260 year 2, 280-290 year 3, and so far this year, she's really piling on the pounds. When I met my bf, I was 24, slightly overweight, and had all the curves in the right places. I am (28F) a short girl so any extra weight makes me look heavy. You mean like metaphorically or like physically because we are bigger than skinny people? He is fully aware, Im sure, that his body has changed. My suggestion is to talk about it and if both of you can't come to an agreement and it doesn't sound like you're meant to be together. They seem to be accepted by their peers. More TV. He was toned, in a good shape, with his 6 pack, not so musculated. Sometimes I would require him to keep eating in the bedroom. Skinny fat, also known as sarcopenic obesity, is a condition that makes a person look skinny on the outside though they have the same medical issues as an obese person on the inside. Love it a lot . =( I am afraid my attraction to him may decrease if he gets skinny again. Perfection! Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? A lot of people have been facing worse mental health during the pandemic, but even though its pretty normal and common right now, its still absolutely worth taking seriously. As mentioned before, many people can look skinny, but that doesnt mean they are skinny in a healthy way because of sarcopenic obesity. I loved his new body. Big bodies are not just social experiments, nor are we just fetishes. Just because hes lazy and doesnt care anymore doesnt mean you still have to be attracted to a fat and lazy version of your husband. Really, I didn't realize there was s special membership for making comments. I love grabbing a handful of flesh when we've having sex, and seeing that big round hairy mountain when I look up at him when I'm giving him a BJ. I starting gaining since I retired and there is something rewarding and comforting about not worrying over weight and appearance and growing yourself into a 300 to 350 pound tub of lard. At 41, Liz remains slender. He would probably get turned on . Just the sight of his boxers folding under his gut or seeing him try on clothes that are now too small for him.. Associating food with s e x has definitely helped my husband in filling out. This should be obvious. We even talked to therapy and I explained my reasons. I know my obsession is getting into dangerous territory when I start getting mad. Just please do not take that out on him or his body. I'm retired! So if the doctor has said that your husband has obesity health risks and you didnt fully understand what they mean by skinny fat, now you know why. I call him fatty and tubby, and sometimes when I text him, I call him Fat Boy. I may fatten him up by another 25 pounds just to make sure. That's the real trick. Its very important to me that we take care of ourselves and this is part of that. You can also bring up how you feel you havent been having sex as much recently and wanting to change that. Anonymous confessions, stories and advice. We've been together 2 years and when we first started going out he was skinny fat. Being around him is never fun. than similar people who are thin. I realized I started finding this to be very attractive because now I get obsessed about what he eats. I'm trying really hard to back off and not try to influence him, but I'm dealing with the internal argument of how to tell him this. This is so adorable:"but I've made sure my husband got really fat. Allowing a child to become super obese is parental negligence. If it bothers you, you will always be mad atHim for encouraging you to pack on some pounds. I hope she gains another 100 putting her close to 380 pounds. DID SOMEONE'S PARROT GET OUT? We never really discussed it but he just lets it be and the s** is getting better and better the heavier I get (he loves me on top). Id love to be big as a cow but have work and life demands that keep me in check. After I went to the place of feeling like a helpless, worthless ten-year-old girl, I tapped into my strong inner woman. As I stated, life is interesting and I wouldn't change a single thing for all the money in the world. now the simple sight of her naked huge body turns me on so much it drives me nuts! Having a large amount of visceral fat in your body can cause various types of problems like , resistance to insulin leading to type 2 diabetes. It's such a sore subject . THIS IS GOING TO KILL YOU!!! There are some advantages to living life with a little extra weight. For one, I don't like to see someone purposely deprive themselves of something or to be unhappy, but also because I'm scared he'll get skinny again. Squeezing her belly roll for fit ladies to see! He jokingly calls me fat but I don't let it bother me. Sounds like your wife doesnt want you to lose any weight. Moreover, many people dont take action even after knowing because they think its fine as long as they look good, though its not. All I do is look at bbw p*** now. Stay out of discussions you dont belong in. But we will love it when you join us!! Cookie Notice Also make sure you f*** him! It's only bigger and rounder for the future! Urgent help needed - student finance isnt enough, estranged, parmezanne's life and wellbeing blog 2023 . In comparison to what he looked like before (~150 pounds on that frame) of course he looks fat, but now he seems average like any guy his height. 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