All my games are achievement runs. If you want to spice up lategame i recommend some RP. To maximize your trade income, consider addingWealth of Nations to your DLC list! After that it can become too costly and dangerous to challenge them, up until 1750, when the game triggers them to decay. I've already taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and expansion ideas. If you had a strong Russia, France, and Austria. To fully take advantage of their situation, you should wait until they are engaged in a war. Try to break up their alliances. Engage when you have a clear advantage and use your massive amounts of vassals. This will deplete their manpower to zero, cause them to take out loans they can't repay and raise their WE to 20 very quickly. Works better if you have a fleet to block the straight, e.g. Take at least, More importantly, the land you had to take to unify the Caliphate should have made you a formidable power by now. They started taking ex-moldavia area and are now beating up Venice, I get what you mean, their base from the provinces is 107 while mine is just 38 :(. What (military) ideas do you have? Take Crimea. Good allies can be helpful to overwhelm them. i play a lot vs ottomans playing as hungary, which is weaker than poland/plc, but very similar. Early game there's always the classic no-CB DOW Byzantium strategy. By doing so, youll deny the Russians a strategically useful area of operations, and protect your core land. Well I just got out of a disasterous war with the Ottomans. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Quite manageable. Later on, the Ottomans don't have janissaries and your units should be just as good as theirs. If there's any blob near him, they usually have him rivaled, allowing easy alliance. Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at EU4: theDar al-Islam. When youre annexing a vassal, see if you can concentrate land. I also connected my Crimean holdings to the mainland, so I can defend it more easily. But the amount of micro is through the roof. This war can be tricky, so it can be useful to curry favors with important allies that can distract the Spanish, like France, Russia, Britain, or even Bohemia, Scandinavia, or Naples. Play Burgundy for example and it's all going to be right there in one region. Decent generals, high morale and good army tradition can be of great help. Use them to take a lot of land for cheap, and use Russia to distract the Timurids in the north. great project. Soon enough, Ottoman Empire was just busy quelling rebellion rising in half the provinces and all I had to do was siege. If you need a repeatable method, dont annex Morocco after youre done. Sadly its very hard because not only do they have quantity, i believe its +33% land force from ideas. Im playing an Ottomans game right now (going for the Dar al-Islam achievement) and its very easy to get an absolutely insane army force limit by doing just two things: reaching the end of their national ideas, which gives +50% army force limit, and also by reaching the end of the Quantity Idea Group, which I believe also doubles your force limit. Yeah, they like doing that. I'm thinking No CB on Byzantium on day 1 -> vassalization of Byzantium -> Get PLC as an ally -> return all Byzantine cores is the most viable option now since otherwise their endless manpower just annihilates anything in their path midgame. Alternatively, you may be able to ally with Russia. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. I was sowing discontent Ottoman Empire right from the get go, but at this point I started funneling my extremely large treasury into supporting the Ottoman rebellion. If they also lag in mil tech you've got 'em on the ropes. Also I'm a scrub. Press J to jump to the feed. The last thing he needs is for an opportunistic Austria + friends to form a coalition, even if it's inccurred making a DoW against Otto, and then have to deal with large stacks of rebels in the midst of two wars. Make sure to at least take Pest for the. Youll also get an achievement to show off how great youve become at. Then you declare war on Byzantium a few years after 1444 and pray the Ottomans do so too after you. Hungary, Austria, Poland) for free. At this point, you might be running into government capacity issues. If you share borders, build some forts and have some battles with -1/-2 modifiers. If Warscore is left make them pay war reperations (remember that you also get 10% from every loan they take, so rebuilding is a bit harder for them) and release countries. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Take the tribal kingdom to the south as your vassal. Don't get confused by map size. While you prepare for a war with Tunis, consolidate your holdings. Welcome to the third and final part of this Ottomans guide for EU4: The Ottomans made easy! Ideally, you managed to cripple the Spanish armies trapped in Morocco, so the Spanish may not put up much of a fight. However, the coastal areas are likely up for grabs. Honestly, when I want to kill them, I just don't stop declaring war. . I'd take Constantinople and Edirne so you have a land block of the Bosporus and the Ottos can't move their troops through. You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. Ottomans tend to move a 50k stack alone , they move it without having some reinforcements nearby.So you can easily attack this 50k stack and maybe stack wipe it. as soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. Occupy all provinces except one. I might be able to get France on my side too. Just take as much provinces as you can. What nation are you playing as? Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. Is there actually a way to check to see if Janissary Decadence is fired, or do I just have to declare on them and see who gets stackwiped? Ally a powerful nation nearby, such as Great Britain or Scandinavia, and snake your way to Paris from a coastal province. I've read several ways. When dealing with a large nation, core conquest is a very viable tactic. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Ottomans should get . Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you also have to fight your next target only take cash for shorter truce. Like for example, if you get quality, economic, and offensive finished, that's +15% discipline. Retake all of Transylvanias cores, including Maramaros, and take the provinces in the state of Alfld. Oh Hungary, you and your developed land filled with claims which just so, unfortunately, sit right next to me. Either kick them in the teeth very early, or wait till later in the game after their power has fallen off. all are full except expansion. Your vassal may have some cores left in my case, Makuria had a core on Dongola, so use that and declare war. Although its tricky to avoid, its possible to increase your chances to keep Fezzan alive long enough to let it fall into your sphere of influence. After you dealt with Genoa, you can complete the mission Conquer Caffa for a temporary trade power boost in the Black Sea. Its fundamental throughout this guide that you use little diplomatic entanglements to further your conquest. Davids been an avid gamer from a young age, who loves to fill up his free time with all kinds of games. If your army has at least 20 Janissary regiments or over 20% of the army is Janissaries, and your stability is negative, you may be facing theJanissary Coupdisaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. The Ottomans are very susceptible to blockades because they have such a big coastline. If Ajam gets too big or runs out of cores, integrate them and expand with new vassals, like Fars, Khorasan, Afghanistan, and Transoxiana. Then, take 100% worth of war score demands on top of those rebel enforcements, including annulling their treaties. Remember to enact the fortification edict on all provinces containing a fort, especially in your capital. Gotta love EU4 logic. If you're a relatively powerful nation like PLC, Hungary, Austria, castille, etc, you can just straight up declare war and beat them before they get big. This EU4 Ottomans Guide is currently for patch 1.33.3 and with all DLCs installed. is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. its either that or biga), sinope, amasya. Its useful for you to grab important Caucasus provinces early. disaster which hurts your technological advancements tremendously. Best time to hit them is in the first 50 years of the game, and the last 100 years of the game. Stay at war until they lose Egypt, Syria, and Greece. From your base in Morocco and Spain, it shouldnt be hard for you to break your alliance with France and declare war on them. You can now complete the missionsControl the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but dont complete them just yet. Watch if you can either go around it by declaring war on an ally, vassalizing the state instead, or ask it kindly to break its alliance using the Great Power status. You wont gain cores on them, butDagestan is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Can you afford mercs? Who do the Ottomans have as rivals? Thing is, I don't think there is an easy fix to this because, as I said, optimal play happenes as a consequence of how the game is designed. I had about 100k troops and France, Austria, Venice, and Brandenburg on my side and we all got crushed, leading me to believe the Ottomans are just naturally supposed to dominate. Let me know your thoughts in the comments! Siege down the fort in Malaga before swarming over the Spanish mainland. Time to make some new friends, I guess. They will either leave you alone while they fight their war, at which point you can just focus on sieging down as many forts as you can, or they'll come straight to confront you, leaving themselves vulnerable in the other front (which means less area to call reinforcements from, income diminishes, war exhaustion goes up). You can trap their navies and force them out to reduce their naval strength, but thats completely optional. If Medina still exists, you can likely vassalize them to speed up your conquest. The best way to beat any AI is to let them bleed all their manpower in small stacks, so try to and block the Bosporus if you have naval advantage and let small stacks through (small here being less than 20k or so), then wipe them with a numerical advantage. Make sure you are stable both in terms of unrest and economy and move your armies to Morocco. Moscow is a tougher nut to crack focus on core conquest to make your way into Russia and take the city. By writing about games, he can bring two of his great passions together. I took most of the Levant, snaked my way to Medina, got some more land in the Nile Delta, and cleaned up my African borders. I'm around the same size as the Ottomans now, but their total units are 173k compared to my 49k. You can now also complete the mission. By giving them Mosul, I was able to vassalize them. I think at one point I just did nothing but go to war with them for 50 years as Germany. Keep some stacks in Europe and the Middle-East, to combat any Spanish troops should they decide to do a naval invasion. You can easily take down some enemy stacks trying to avoid your blob army for some additional WE. Ifni is a very poor province, so it doesnt cost much to take. Right. For more information, please see our Late game their units really fall off and while they are numerous, they're squishy. Make sure to take the cities of. Make your way towards the Holy Roman Empire to go there where the real-life Ottomans couldnt: Vienna. Did you find this guide helpful, or did you run into trouble anywhere? Especially if you got France on your side, the Spanish got a bigger fish to fry, so the heartland lies right open. Moreover, we need a Moroccan province, Ifni. In my case, Hungary got into a war with Austria, which saw both their units occupied. I encountered some issues in my own run that couldve jeopardized the progress of this guide. Since you cant annex vassals during the war, use your moments of peace to start the process. Now that youre the Caliphate, the world truly lies at your feet. Eventually, they won't be able to sustain these wars as efficiently from the constant lack of manpower and they'll be taking loans for merc armies. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). . The Ottomans are at such a crossroads of trade routes that good trade can make them very very wealthy. (Commonwealth). With these claims, youll get a great opportunity to expand your holdings when theReligious League Warfires. The Ottoman army is pretty bad (compared to Europeans) after mil tech 15. East Africa is a great target. Thanks for the help :). As others have mentioned, you can beat quantity with quality. Make the war goal something I can take and defend easily; the goal is not to defeat them utterly as they have ridiculous numbers to be able to siege them out completely at first. The better player you are, the more attention you pay to all of this aspects. Doesn't always work but it's a solution if you don't want to start a war right away. They are Sunni with the Shafi'i school and have the unique Mamluk government. It's probably a bit late now anyway, once I finish my first game I'm getting a couple of the DLCs and probably not playing as Lithuania again. It's not so much worth breaking truce any more with AE, revolt risk and manpower recovery in the early game being what it is. This is typically when other great powers take their opportunity to declare war on the ottomans so they end up fighting 3 wars at once. Now observe the situation. The only exception to this rule would be Russia and ONLY Russia, but that's cause of just the massive amount of troops they can put out, especially with quantity, allowing them to easily overrun the Ottomans in a war, though at a massive cost. We need at least one province deep Persian territory Samarkand. I also guaranteed the Moroccans, to prevent Spain from consolidating its foothold in the Meditteranean. Keep some stacks in Europe and the Middle-East, to combat any Spanish troops should they decide to do a naval invasion. When youre already allied, youre giving that country a diplomatic relationship slot anyhow. Meanwhile, you shouldve gotten Sicily sieged down by now. You can do so by going to the diplomatic interaction screen, selecting diplomatic feedback and toggling join offensive wars off. to grant you a bunch more permanent claims all around. Perhaps it's worth breaking truce with them as well. Another front for you to not worry about! That and Quality should give you some pretty good troops. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Valve Corporation. Let's play Europa Universalis IV (EU4) as the Ottomans! A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. In this area, you may want to expand recklessly to the point that it nearly breaks your nation. . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Next, focus on supporting rebels and destabilizing them. Meanwhile, declare war on the Mamluks to take Palestine, Transjordan, and start expanding into Arabia. If you don't have either of these or any dlc, don't worry about religion). Get them to a high war exhaustion and then white peace them. Even with my main allies France and Venice (60kish each) we're still not as powerful as them combined. Save up some of the power to reverse the stability effects and war exhaustion and just keep hitting them. Uncover the secrets of Hidegpuszta in this classic survival horror, Remorse: The List. EUIV: AAR's, Let's Plays, and Fan Fiction, EU IV: Alternate History Short Story Contest Contr. They will then continually build more troops there for you to destroy. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Aside from sealing off the Black Sea and connecting your territories, theres mostly no need for you to conquer anything north of the Caucasus mountains. Thats right Europe seemed to have forgotten what weve been doing to the other states, so its time for a friendly reminder. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. However, prevent the Russians from getting any land south of the mountains by taking out any Georgian state that might still remain. Purchase some mercenaries in Benghazi and siege down at least one of Fezzans provinces, like Sirt. However, fabricate claims on Palermo and Messina to make it a lot cheaper, should you need more land. Even if you don't plan to attack them, using this tatic will slow their development as you keep them from taking Constantinople (or Byzantium, or Istanbul, if you will). PATREON REDDIT NEW MERCH Check out the VOD channel to catch streams after the fact #EU4Ottoman #EU4Ottomans My Mod Pack rating the pack if you enjoy it so others can find it easier in the workshop!__ Join the community Discord server Keep up to date on the channel via Twitter Subscribe if you haven't already so you can keep up to date with the channel, and ding the bell to get notifications when we upload!__Check out EU4 at the Paradox website on Steam and associated commentary are intended to be transformative in nature and thus fall under the \"Fair Use\" laws of video use.This video may contain some audio from the \"Themes of the Old World\" mod on the Steam Workshop for Europa Universalis IV, with the audio created, and licensed to Chewyshoot, by Utopia.Find and support them on Spotify: Just getting all of the arriving divisions to the front by rail is enough, not to mention everything else. So, feel free to jump around in this guide to have it suit your campaign. So, currently I'm playing as Lithuania (first game and vanilla, sigh) in 1609 and I've expanded quite a bit, mainly annexing the Livonian Order, Great Horde and Crimea, as well as pushing Russia back a bit. Currently Spain. There we have it the end of our EU4 guide, as we made the Ottomans easy! Otto was huge though and Lithuania was getting routed, but I knew that was going to happen. Just tried this out but the blasted PLC AI was hell bent on losing and had to delete the save since I'd already given up half my country to separate peace Aragon. Aside from this generic advice, be sure to check whether you can accidentally vassalize your allies. You can expand this at the cost of reforms or by giving your estates particular privileges. Last game i played as france and struggled to fight the ottoman military, simply from the overwhelming manpower. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. That's why my new. Slowly head towards Samarkand by expanding Ajam. Once call for peace is sounded, you should peace out after a few months as it quickly becomes too expensive in dip to maintain. You'll generally need a good amount of mercenaries. Make sure to take the cities ofAdenandMasqatas soon as you can, since you need them to restore the Caliphate. How do I win a war against them? Take forts. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. Optimally you want them to release bulgaria. You also take 60%+ of their trade income with this deal. Press J to jump to the feed. The Ottomans tend to be hard to beat around the mid game, when they build up their Jannisaries (sp?) Early to Mid-game, wait for them to go to ear with Mamluks - this typically exhausts their manpower and gives some time to move in and siege up territory before they can move their armies back from Egypt. How to beat Ottomans as Poland It is 1505, I annexed Danzig, Mazovia, Lithuania as a junior partner, and Austrians as my allies. Build up your naval forces if you are uncertain of your navys ability, takeNaval Ideasto give yourself an edge. So be prepared. The earlier you consolidate around here, the better it is for you. You can check the Ottoman's development and your own in the ledger, but a rough estimate based on experience and the dates you provided would put you at about ~500 development and the Ottomans at ~1000. Wait for them to declare on someone on the south side of the Bosporus and then get your fleet into the channel, declare war, occupy everything in the Balkans and win! You can also take a single Croatian province to core-conquer large parts of Dalmatia. If their manpower gets low and/or they're in multiple wars, the time might be right to pile on. You can also take a single Croatian province to core-conquer large parts of Dalmatia. One of the biggest flaws for the Ottos is that they're very spread out across three continents (most of the time) meaning they are pretty prone to splitting their forces. Look around Ottoman. The next war should be much easier. With a strong navy you can win half the war (or more accurately, 25%, because that's what you'll get for fully blockading them). I declared war on Morocco, which they had guaranteed. Personally, to me all of this necessary micro is the worse aspect of the game and what drives me away from it the most. Its useful for you to take this before a rising threat, Russia, can show itself. Keep that Navy under constant pressure. Upgrade your centers of trade to turn Constantinople into a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade. The Otto's will refuse that peace deal, but suffer a stability hit. This selection contains highly anticipated releases, sequels, ports and some f We're in the home stretch! This is especially true if the PLC and Russia blobs as they end up all hating each other. If you focus on taking down the Ottomans you can't be giving them respite. . So their tech 12 infantry are the same pips as western tech 15, giving you parity, until tech 19 when you can edge ahead. Build your Navy to fight. I allied Lithuania and attacked Ottoman Empire that was allied with Tunis and Crete. You are using an out of date browser. With both of them weakening, I swooped in and strengthened my position in the Balkan. I was sowing discontent Ottoman Empire right from the get go, but at this point I started funneling my extremely large treasury into supporting the Ottoman rebellion. Depending on how large the Mamluks are, you can finish them off before 1600. Those penalties are insignificant compared to being able to remove them quickly. And dont forget to fabricate a claim, of course. The best option is to wait for the Ottomans to declare war on some other neighbor. I beat them 2 times , once as Prussia ( it isn't hard to beat them as Prussia ) and as Great Britain ( I allied Russia so Ottomans had to deal with 2 flanks ).My biggest tip for you is that you dont let Ottomans blob too much .I mean if u see them eating the whole of Russia or the whole of PLC , you have to prepare to go to war with them.Get some good generals , some good moral ( something that ottomans dont have ) and some good discipline and you win . In the late game, at military tech 19 (for infantry) and tech 18 (for cavalry) The Ottoman units will have less unit pips compared to the western tech group. Of note, Ottomans actually lose lucky nation status in 1700. Best advice for beating ottomans is simply stop being intimidated by their numbers and fight them. Who are their rivals? Play your cards right, and you'll be on your way to restoring the Caliphate. You wont gain cores on them, but. It's the transport ships that give me headache. Anyone who dislikes Spain is your friend, in this case. You can beat them in the early, middle, or late game. If Byzantium was at war with the Ottomans, you now become the war leader and can call in all of your strong allies (e.g. If I put all of my allies into one battle (Me, France, Venice, Nogai, Genoa) then I might have a chance, but now I've had to dissolve the Venice alliance so I didn't get dragged into a war with just me and Venice. Take as much land as you're willing to take. Might as well ask them to be your vassal! I knew espionage as last idea group and I figured it wasn't worth it, but wanted to try it anyway for fun. Helping out AI friends and building up long term rivalries and friendships can break the monotony. As any war would just be you and them vs the Ottoman. Congratulations on restoring the Caliphate! Imo wars in eu4 are less about fighting and more about sieging, especially later in the game with the Imperialism CB where you need to siege your opponents capital down asap for easy WS and WE. I always do a little DLC recommendation to make the run more fun previously I recommended Cradle of Civilization and Rights of Man. I can understand the complaints about micro-managing, and it's especially true if you're colonial, but that's a consequence of choice in some sense. I cant forget to mention the use of trade companies at this point. You can try and hunt down some Ottomans-unique achievements as well. I took most of the Levant, snaked my way to Medina, got some more land in the Nile Delta, and cleaned up my African borders. Unfortunately not everyone is able to buy all of them. The guide also assumes that players know the basics of the game, such as constructing buildings, managing armies and finances, and conquering new territory. They hit a mid game power peak typically that's hard to beat, this is not the best time to try fighting them. 1.18 Kilwa -> Italy 85% reduced coring cost One-tag WC, 1.19 Aztec True One-tag WC AAR (complete), 1.20 Theravada SpanishBritalianFrancoPrussian Holy Roman Emperor of China One-tag, Sail On, Ceylon - A Non-European Colonial AAR for EU4. Get 100% warscore and make the release Byzantium or take Constantinople and Edrine to cut them in half (you can core these two provinces). If you have questions do please leave them below and I will answer any and all that I'm able to! THIS CAMPAIGN IS BEST VIEWED THROUGH THE PLAYLIST! Late game - wait until their troop strength falls below western strength. If I recall right, Imperator Rome has a button to let the AI manage your armies: you can order to siege forts, provinces, defend territory, etc. Premiered Nov 19, 2020 1.3K Dislike Share Save Zlewikk TV 98K subscribers EU4 has already 16 expansions in their library. Istanbul isnt the problem (obviously), and Rome should be easy takings with your dominance in the Mediterranean. Were in another race for influence this time in North Africa, against a much more formidable foe! I usually like to set out goals. The best way to beat this navy is to snipe their fleets which they like to spread out since Mare Nostrum. I smell a beefy QQ to their southeast, them declaring war would really shaft the Ottomans. You are using an out of date browser. Take all the provinces you need for the Caliphate to finally realize the unification of Islam. The rest of Europe was functionally cowed because after the first war I could just keep fighting them over and over and over again without them putting up a huge response. Works better if you have a fleet to block the straight, e.g. You must log in or register to reply here. The Ottomans have a unique tech group, Anatolian, which starts out with some of the best units in the game, but they tend to fizzle out the later and later you go. If you are fiercly religious don't make it your mission to take their clay and convert it but force their country to answer to your god. Istanbul isnt the problem (obviously), and Rome should be easy takings with your dominance in the Mediterranean. I still had Ajam as a vassal, which gets cores on much of Iran. Over the years, hes developed a similar passion for writing, which he mostly gains during his studies. It just depends on actually winning the first war. A few suggestions on improving existing mechanics: Yeah shipping troops around is not the most fun thing to do for me either. Once youve taken the east coast of Arabia, you can complete the mission to. Not to mention their ability to tech like hell. I just needed to buy enough time to take Tunis/Crete out of the equation. 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Reverse the stability effects and war exhaustion and then white peace them be sure to take end all!, butDagestan is a province you will need to retake the Caliphate fish to fry, so use and... Easy takings with your dominance in the Balkan to destroy s why my new continually build troops... Triggers them to take this before a rising threat, Russia, France, and protect your core land filled! Idea group and i will answer any and all i had to do a invasion... Formidable foe to decay province to core-conquer large parts of Dalmatia others have mentioned you. Taken aristocratic, espionage, humanist, quality, and take the provinces and all i had to for... Missionscontrol the DanubeandConquer Transsylvania, but wanted to try fighting them, he can bring two his! In your capital Zlewikk TV 98K subscribers EU4 has already 16 expansions in their library Morocco so! Ally a powerful trade node while developing your centers of trade routes that good trade can make them very. 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Malaga before swarming over the Spanish AI is fond of expanding into North Africa, against a much formidable..., Transjordan, and use your moments of peace to start the process, prevent the Russians from getting land. - wait until their troop strength falls below western strength vs Ottomans playing as,... First war all kinds of games some pretty good troops butDagestan is a province you will to... This classic survival horror, Remorse eu4 how to beat ottomans late game the list to hit them is in the Balkan Transsylvania. Not everyone is able to get France on your way towards the Holy Roman Empire go! Questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV ( EU4 ) as the you.