Plays Fool in "King Lear" play by William Shakespeare, adapted by Royston Coppenger (The Brewery Arts Complex, Los Angeles, California, USA). Diana Reiter [Reiterwna] (November 6, 1902 1943) was a Polish architect of Jewish descent, one of the first female architects in Krakw. Becaust I remember I was walking back up, and he was on my left. By Bernd Reiter, Published on 07/31/19. Is this a documentary? And everybody was talking about it-- in class, outside of class. So that same week as the field trip, by the end of the week, they organized a press conference, and the students were strongly encouraged to speak. I do not believe our great Father means to harm his red children, but that he wishes us well. I mean, to us, we were probably like, oh God, black and white. That's when I remember a lot of students were like, oh! And I remember he started talking, asking them questions. Yeah, I'm doing mine. Dang! . Amon Goeth Movies. I saw Schindler's List twice in school by my 15th birthday. And a lot of the students and faculty never got in. FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate. I would have been like, what is that? Imagine a '90s era high school picture day. She said it was going to cave in. Soon they will be cold. And a lot of the students couldn't even get in because the auditorium was full. It was like 70/30 split. Two buildings designed by her are extant: at Beliny-Pramowskiego 26 (19331935) and Pawlikowskiego 16 (19371939) - a tenement house constructed for Jzef and Eleonora Elsner. This is from a local call-in show, Flashpoints, that was featured in a documentary called Blacks and Jews from the mid-90s. Now they were fed up and defensive. It was a program befitting of a head of state and a Hollywood icon. Others even snuck into other movies. Four of the students from the field trip, who were also members of the student council, sat at a table in front of news cameras. Quiz: In fact, it's not even close. And the way they were building it was incorrect. She is . The world's attention validated the size of their grief. Others had never learned the first thing about it. It wasn't just her thought. Is this a foreign film? Tracy and the other students took on all the blame. And I felt like it was allowed. My name is Diana Reiter and I live in Orland Park with my husband and our two children. This is to Governor Wilson. Buildings got painted. Many years ago, I began my professional career as a litigation attorney. And instead of it being used as a time of enlightenment, it just breeded more ignorance. If you would have asked me when I was 15, I would've told you no. Yeah. How did it feel to hear that from an adult? There are FDNY T-shirts and search-and-rescue sweatshirts. So the 70 teenagers just sat where they could, a lot of them in the back. | While riding in a car one day, I complained that I was freezing since the top to the car was down. We also read Night by Elie Wiesel and The Diary of Anne Frank and were taken to the Holocaust Museum in DC. They hate our freedom to buy what we want. Two years later, their only child, Edith, was born. Did this even happen? One of the four students who apologized on camera received death threats in the mail. - What? : Bio. Few Holocaust survivors attach any meaning to camp life itself. And I said, wait a minute. What school are you from? I don't want to hear anything-- no disrespect, but I don't want to hear anything about anybody else's Holocaust before I hear my own. The Riemers lived in an apartment building that housed offices of the Communist Party of Germany. We were probably-- no, I wouldn't say probably-- we were definitely unruly. Some kids in the theater laughing while blood poured out of the woman's head. Yet, most agree that the difficulties of coping with the misery and its lingering memories were eased if some purpose -- whether in the form of physical or psychological resistance or of hope for a future life, reunited with their loved ones -- could be found. And then, fully aware of his place on the food chain, he handed the mic over to the man of the hour. What was the name of the girl he married in the work camp? I get that. We declined participation in most of the ceremonies and pageantry in favor of figuring out for ourselves our family's new geometry, just like any family that has suffered a loss. And the teacher respectfully put it away. They wanted to learn about that. Bjrn Lanna. It was cold. He chose which Jewish girl to be his maid? I'll probably bring my kids one day, once I realize I won't have the words to explain. There never will be-- just this theatrically lit Ikea warehouse behind a pane of glass. We were eased into it in a sense, lowered into the maw down a ramp along the original foundation of the towers-- girders and rubble and broken staircases among the ruins, an impossibly mangled hook-and-ladder truck, showroom parked. What I will say is, I remember just kids just being frustrated, and saying things, and not really having a clear understanding of what they're saying. Trending. Give the truth to the youth. Hela was raised in Dukla, a Polish village near the Czech border. I mean, to be quite honest, you have the governor there, Mr. Pete Wilson, who was also "Mr Budget-Cut Governor." Or--, What one of the Castlemont kids-- we don't know who-- actually said-- the five words that would come to define this incident-- "Oh, man. Oh, are you guys on a field trip? But Tanzania basically said that doesn't make any sense. Let's go-- stand up, ladies and gentlemen. That's all I could say. I mean, I want to know was your main purpose in portraying yourself through the streets of my city where you have cut welfare, education, and many young futures, like mine--. From their perspective, here's what happened. And I would just be like, hi, how are you? I'll step right in front of it. And it kind of ricocheted around from person to person, piercing into each one this bullet of information from the past. Who played me? [2012]. And I talked to several historians, including two experts who are Creek themselves, and there does not seem to be evidence that this was sarcastic. And these people in the lobby, some of them told Allen they were family of Holocaust survivors. Who played me? A soot-coated bike rack, as it was found. At that point, I was, for lack of a better term, pissed off. - The Holocaust History - A People's and Survivors' History. The event itself was a total circus from the beginning. His sister, Shari, had died in the Twin Towers. Born: April 11, 1915 Graz, Austria Austria . For BP: Nancy Milburn and Diana Reiter of Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer. Murdering someone for no reason is cold. Yeah, they've seen a lot of violence, but when you see it, it's not a laughing matter. : I think there might have been applause. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Oskar Schindler told me he knew I was a bookkeeper for a company in Lipowa Street. What was the name of the black marketeer whom Schindler bribed to let certain people on his list? But that didn't seem to calm the storm. No, they were just saying white people. The Characters In 'Schindler's List'. He said it really loud, I believe. Reiter Stella, by Peter Wyden is an eloquent yet straightforward documentation about the life of Stella Goldschlag, who was responsible for turning over countless Jews to the Gestapo and their ultimate death. And if it takes an apology so we can get this to blow over, so be it. For one thing, a lot more media picked up the story-- CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times-- but the anger and reprimands just kept coming over the next few days and weeks. And if I did, I didn't know they were Jewish. Let's talk about the Black Holocaust. I'm Ira Glass. : Some of them had learned a little bit about it in middle school a few years earlier. Who played me? Oh! Why would I accept an invitation to a $700 million refutation of everything we tried to practice, a gleaming monument to what happened, not what happened to us? Yes. Yeah, and their homelands. Or so they thought. And I just wondered if there was something slightly arch about that. Herr Kommandant! I stare at the $39 hoodies, and the rescue vests for dogs, and the earrings, and the scarves, and the United We Stand wool blankets waiting for that rush, and can't muster so much as a sigh. This is outrageous. This is America. Due to the economic situation, she was dismissed at the end of 1931. That was so uncomfortable. Ernst Reiter. This needed to be fixed. My name is Diana Reiter. Diana Reiter is on Facebook. Beyond being a mere analysis of discourse, Narrating the Holocaust reflects the situations in camp that triggered these responses, and shows how the professional . And I stopped by a store that was close by the school, and I looked down at the newspapers. It got her out of Auschwitz. Many survivors turned to writing about their experiences.Beyond a mere . And I remember thinking, wow, this is just nuts, you know? Did he say it under duress? Accessed 28 Feb. 2022. Within Castlemont, what happened on the field trip just became known as "the incident." Whenever there's an analysis or discussion about how much people know about the Holocaust, the focus is often on what they don't know. Home; Search; Browse Collections; My Account; . Yeah. Another reader wrote, "There is no excuse for what those kids did-- not lack of education, not lack of being prepared, nothing." Our website, Well, I was in one of those classes, and what they were talking about was basically how slave ships were owned by Jews. Based on original sources, this important book on the Holocaust explores regional variations in civilians' attitudes and behavior toward the Jewish population in Romania and the occupied Soviet Union. They wanted to talk about something else. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Narrating the Holocaust. She started her film career in 1991 with Theory of Achievement. They were also going to go ice skating, which a lot of them were especially looking forward to. They were restless. Elina Lwensohn (born 11 July 1966) is a Romanian-American actress. And well, were you raised racist? I said, he's not going to shoot this woman. Well, today on our program, we have two stories about people who bump into unsettling facts from history. And every time I went back to Tuscaloosa, which was a number of times, I would go, at some point during the trip, walk over and read it again. Countless personal artifacts artfully destroyed. Then we get into the theater, and downhill from there. Who played me? | Inside these cabinets are the remains that, after nearly 13 years of the most rigorous testing known to man, have not been matched to the DNA of any of the victims. You know? What is that word? The kids didn't own being insensitive to the pain and suffering of the Jewish people. This is Tracy. And he opened things up to the floor. This piece goes into some detail about 9/11. Gentiles' willingness to assist Jews was greater in lands that had been under Soviet. No. The names are read aloud on a loop in the adjacent darkened atrium lined with benches. I brought my wife one time. Three years later, he released Amistad, about a slave ship. And I was going like, who spends money to see a film on the Holocaust just to disrupt it? The governor of the state of California is in the building. What did the chief mean? He told me to go back to Africa. She was just a person who happened to have gotten to work a little early on a Tuesday morning. 57 people died. Lownsohn, a native of Bucharest, Romania was cast as Diana Reiter in "Schindler's List". This often includes analyzing stories from the news or the worlds of celebrities and pop culture to recognize the threads relevant to what they are learning in their classes. Kandi got in trouble for this-- was reprimanded by the principal, vilified in letters to the editor, just like the kids had been before. Auschwitz was also a place of execution. Deniers of the Holocaust, the systematic murder of around 6 million Jewish people in World War II, either deny that such a genocide took place or minimize its extent. As well as providing a reminder of "history's darkest days", Prince Charles said the portraits would show "humanity's interconnectedness, as we strive to create a better world for our children . Where is the right place to store pounds of unidentifiable human tissue so that future generations can pay their respects? Stephen Spielberg was coming for a visit. And for the first time, her Jewishness was a topic of interest. They didn't go skating. I told Oskar that the list he was looking at was accurate but Oskar wanted to know my name. Diana Reiter. Diana works to help students find and understand the connections between the real world and the academic world. There'd been a huge earthquake in California the day before-- 6.7 magnitude. Hujar There'd be free screenings of the film and a study guide. I'm Ira Glass. After the death of her father, a Holocaust survivor, her mother emigrated to the United States with her, where her mother went on a hunger strike to get a visa for her. You know, we have empathy. The longtime Vancouver resident, who died Sunday, recalled that pivotal chapter in her life in a 2006 Colu It's something lots of kids of color learn in lots of ways, but these kids learned it all of a sudden in a really public way. I was in my office upstairs, and I decided to go downstairs and get a cup of coffee. In these lands of Alabama, which have belonged to my forefathers and where their bones lie buried, I see that the Indian fires are going out. It's just hard to accept the fact that he says, we know you mean us no harm. She emigrated to the US after the death of Elina's father. After the TSA-style security check, complete with body scan, there's a dark corridor with word clouds and photographs projected onto tower-like pillars, while disembodied voices tell snippets of stories about the morning-- an overture warning us about the symphony ahead. So anyway, so she ended up getting her whole team involved at the cultural preservation office, and they started looking through their archives. But that plot isn't clear for a long, long time. Much criticism of 'Schindler's List' centers around respect for victims of the Holocaust. There were musicians and African dancers, lectures on ancient Egypt and Jim Crow. I didn't want to duck and hide, I wanted to run straight into the absurdity and horror and feel every bit of the righteous indignation and come out the other side raw. Ja, I'm doing mine. One boy reportedly thought the Holocaust meant the US bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. an error, click through Always extra ice. A Zionist Jew-- Steven Spielberg is a Zionist Jew. They were anti-Semites. And just quickly, there was something else about the scene-- the way the actress fell after she was shot. And with the movie being what it was, it makes sense to me now, most definitely. The president addressing the nation and vowing steely, determined revenge. Another, wearing a regal brown and gold dashiki, a kufi, with a leather-bound neck pouch, walked up and down the front of a classroom, commanding students' attention, pointing to placards listing the names of people who had been lynched in the South. As we would say nowadays, extra. This happened back in 1994. It gave us-- it gave me relief. She had roles in the films Simple Men (1992), Schindler's List (1993), Amateur (1994), Nadja (1994) and The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998). Governor Wilson gave a pretty formal recitation about his Holocaust education initiative. These plans were already in the works before the field trip happened, but where better to make the announcement than Castlemont High School? Luca Heupel. No one bats an eye. And then I ran down this little pathway down the hill, and I saw this marker, one of those historical markers. I was like, how are we bigger than the earthquake? A man exits one of the confessionals, sees me, shakes his head and says, "Amazing idea." I'm only trying to do my job! 7 Holocaust Records Resources for Genealogists. According to analyst Miriam Braatu Hansen, which of the following 'gimmicks' created the most moral (not artistic) outrage among his critics? He said no. I mean, first of all, super sad. I don't know how to feel about the matter because to do so would require any of this making even a bit of sense. He always wants extra ice in the shaker. And, did your family own slaves? 42. He and the governor of California at the time, Pete Wilson, had been working on a way to incorporate Schindler's List in a larger curriculum for high schoolers about the Holocaust and slavery. Or maybe worse, watch that pain be co-opted by people who want, for whatever reason, to feel that connection so acutely. The presence of the tomb has been a point of contention among families who want more from a final resting place than the basement of this museum of unnatural history. In the years 19301931 she was a technical officer, gave opinions on the designs of newly built buildings in Krynica and dealt with appeals against decisions of the Krakw construction authorities. We are sorry for the disruption. Oh, OK. And you guys are here to watch a movie? Currently, Dr. Dumitru is working on two projects. Well, I talked to one woman, named RaeLynn Butler. He found the primary source for us knowing about it-- the only source-- a newspaper article in The Huntsville Democrat in 1835. And no one quite makes eye contact with anyone else, and that's just fine. Schindler's List: Images of the Steven Spielberg Film also marks the first time that the director has authorized a book on the film, and the first time . There is no way out until the end. I witnessed Diana Reiter get shot. They were building a concentration camp. I was just like, wait a minute. : Diana Reiter Ewa Kolasinska Irrational Woman Bettina Kupfer Regina Perlman Grzegorz Kwas . We believe our teachers' hearts were in the right place. And one morning he went for a jog near his hotel-- he was in Tuscaloosa-- and he got to this park. But it felt like the greater powers that be, or the certain elements, they wanted the kids to apologize for their feeling and their thinking, that they should apologize and own being insensitive to the pain and suffering of Jewish people, and that they're sorry for that and they'll never do it again. She's Jamaican-Indian. That was cold. And what I remember was that all the politicians and dignitaries were there and got their seats in the front. Quick warning if you're listening with little kids. But I have now become satisfied that they are not unfriendly toward us, but that they wish us well. And Kandi Stewart seemed to be saying, I'll step in front of it. There had been a lot of discussion about what happened a while ago to a persecuted minority who wasn't them. They were applauding. I think it's safe to assume this particular fact stood out to this girl because Jews were suddenly a trending topic at her school. So, both of these territories were under Romanian administration during 1941-1944. Prisoners sent to the camp as hostages, or with their files marked "return not desired" or "do not transfer," were killed in Auschwitz. Almost everybody we talked to made a point of mentioning it. It was clear the administration had to respond publicly. To this end, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks says it best. In the chaotic last months of 2001, my father wrote letters to newspapers asking simply that the press stop calling his daughter a hero. What about the Trail of Tears, or slavery, or colonialism? Many other Jews who couldn't survive in Nazi Germany also appear in the film, such as the architect Diana Reiter. And the guy simply pulled out his gun and shot her. And they're like, oh, we're great. Like, OK, that's a bit much. It also occurs to me that I am the only person here alone. The high school administration decided it needed to nip this controversy in the bud. Exactly. Find New York attorney Diana Reiter in their New York office. Dusty, ownerless Topsiders encased in glass. Quote, "I come here, brothers, to see the great house of Alabama and the men who make the laws and to say farewell in brotherly kindness before I go to the far West where my people are now going. Spielberg said he wanted it to be just them-- no hard feelings, no agenda. They were in the newspaper on the front page at the very top. A box of tissues sits on a wooden bench, and a family huddle silently looking through a window. At least, that's how I felt when I was a teenager and my teacher showed us the film. Publicly, throughout the entire Schindler's debacle, it seemed like these stackable burdens were resting squarely on the shoulders of the students. It's dumb, sure, but what could possibly be less dumb? I'm only trying to do my job. Her body was very involved. They walked into the theater. And I thought, are these Nazi sympathizers? And I remember somebody-- I think one of the teachers was recording it. Who Played Me in "Schindler's List"? This is Allen Michaan, the owner of the Grand Lake Theatre. Yeah. It was chaotic. Running to almost 700 pages, Spiegel's diary begins in January 1939, when she was 15, and ends on the last day of her life, 30 July 1942, when she was executed by German soldiers. I find my sister as she has been for 12 and 1/2 years and will be forever-- enshrined alphabetically before Howard Lee Kane. Other news organizations picked up the story as a theater-going version of a hate crime, that dozens of black and Latino kids in Oakland were cheering on the murder of Jewish people. It would have been great for him to see what his cuts were doing to this urban community, but that's just my thought. It was her overdramatizing being shot. They learned how white people read them and their behavior and how quickly they get labeled. Jewish people just weren't on their radar-- to hate, to love, anything. We don't look like anybody else that's standing in line, but no one said anything to us. like someone jumped out and grabbed me. They wanted to teach us about the Holocaust. | In a matter of, what are you doing here? Her ancestors were part of this group of people who left Alabama at this time and came to Oklahoma, and she'd never seen the speech before till we sent it to her to ask her about it. What was the real first name of Mila Pfefferberg? They're both stories that's in a setting designed to actually teach them a little bit of history. She had roles in the films Simple Men (1992), Schindler's List (1993), Amateur (1994), Nadja (1994) and The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998). Reiter's brief concluding chapter discusses why authors have committed themselves to writing Holocaust narratives. We have all that. Reiter That was cold. established by Spielberg to videotape and preserve testimonies of Holocaust survivors and witnesses. And even after trying to research it, what we're left with is our own personal reactions and feelings. The staff wasn't alone in pushing this theory. They talked and horsed around with each other. Tucked away off to the side, behind an unmarked door, it is overseen by the medical examiner's office. This is called the reflection room. It's starting to come back to me now, everything. And at some point, the timer is up. Castlemont. Yeah. "Narrating the Holocaust thus offers considerable insight into texts that are not well known, particularly to English readers." - Adrienne Kertzer, The European Legacy (Adrienne Kertzer, The European Legacy) "In Narrating the Holocaust, Andrea Reiter breaks ground in two ways.First, she focuses on a wide range of testimonies written by survivors, most of which have not been available to a . Special thanks today to Keeli Shaw, Sundar Ramun, Kathryn Braund, Scotty Kirkland, Dr. Deidra Suwanee Dees, Guy Hubbs, Jason Edward Black, Christopher D. Haveman, Will Dahlberg, Tilia Wilton-Johnson , Otto Grimwood , Brandi Mack, Rose Thornwell, Jerry Wolfe, Mark Rader, Roy Arce, Jay Shilliday, Sam Greenspan, and Lauren Elliott at Amblin Partners. Release Dates I've been there a bunch. And what we found was, yes, the speech really did occur in the Muskogee language, interpreted into English at the legislature. Allen, the theater owner, didn't know when he stopped the movie that the Castlemont students were kids of color, mostly black. So she was expressing that to them. I'm a graduate of Civil Engineering from the University of Milan. This category is for trivia questions and answers related to. On September 21, the day that would have been my sister's 28th birthday, my father gave a eulogy to this effect at her memorial. A wing for Pennsylvania and the Pentagon, tape loops of survivors telling how they got out, smoke and fire and ash and twisted metal and the husk of an ambulance. But Tanzania told me and my producer, Sean Cole, that, as the students walked out of the theater, the audience definitely knew it. The movie and the book owe their names to the list of over a thousand Jews who worked in the title character's factory to rescue them from destruction by the Nazis . What was the last name of the Rabbi whom Oskar Schindler saved from being singled out for death? 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