Exploring the temple, Kratos meets a statue of Eos, the Goddess of Dawn, who immediately informs him that the Titan Atlas had somehow escaped from the pit of Tartarus and kidnapped his brother, Helios. Again and again, Kratos tries to escape fate by wandering aimlessly, leaving Blade of Chaos in that cave. Regardless, Kratos eventually manages to retrieve the Omphalos stone and out of Cronos' stomach using the Blade of Olympus. As Kratos returns to Sindri's house, he dreams of another memory of Faye, this time with an infant Atreus. Also in Tr's chambers, he destroys a vase. Kratos makes a guest appearance in the PS3 golf game, However, there are some rather odd similarities between, Kratos is one of the playable characters in the multi-franchise fighter. And for that, Zeus, the King of Olympus, offers help in the form of the Blade of Olympus, the blade he used to end The Great War. Atreus hands over the bag full of ashes to his father, but Kratos says that they will do it together and calls him a son. Kratos and his siblings Nike ('Victory'), Bia ('Force'), and Zelus ('Glory') are all essentially personifications of a trait. Hes almost invulnerable, but he can be defeatedexcept he keeps coming back. As a result, the Power of Hope was released into the mortal world, making Athena angry and expressing disappointment to which Kratos only responded with a small grin and a faint laugh. Without thinking much, Kratos immediately released his power on the Forsaken Tree and went inside the fields of Elysium, where he finally reunited with Calliope and immediately hug her. The Oath Stones powers also come in handy when the player needs to solve puzzles, such as pressing down buttons, etc. This article contains lore based on real-life sources of the Greek mythology as introduced from the God of War Greek era. After looking for his son for two days, Kratos found Atreus but is angry at his son for making up lies and sneaking out all by himself and questions why he has been missing for two days. ago. All this time, Athena thought the power of Hope that she had placed inside Pandora's Box would never come out, he thought the reason Kratos could kill Ares was because evil power entered Kratos' body, but apparently, he was wrong. Tisiphone rejoins Alecto, however that is no longer a problem for Kratos, because now by using the power of the Eyes of Truth, the protection of The Furies can be destroyed. Zeus, however, weakened Kratos and tricked him into abandoning his godly powers into the Blade of Olympus, which Zeus used to kill Kratos. Together with Helios in a chariot of fire, they light up the world again. That night, Kratos takes refuge in a cave, and while warming himself by the fire, he ate his food. He then crossed a huge abyss and awaits Kratos at the top of the Athena statue, belittling him. Mimir recites the stories and lives of famous Giants, though this slightly annoys Kratos. In the midst of this chase, Kratos once again trying to be tricked by an illusion where 3 beautiful women seduce him. His last test was for Kratos to kill his own family, as Ares believed they were holding him back. In God of War, many of Kratos' skills are attached to the weapons he wields, instead of being innate abilities. Upon resurrection, Mimir accidentally reveals the witch to be Freya, the previous of Vanir gods and Odin's former wife. Freya then tells them that the last part of their plan is to appoint a general to lead them against Ragnarok. Kratos knew it wasn't just an ordinary vision. Kratos asked where the Flame of Olympus was, but did not answer the question, Helios even bragged about how Kratos could never kill Zeus, and when he saw Kratos off guard, he tried to blind him with a beam of sunlight. Upon his failure, the Gods forced him to guard the temple's entrance and set fire to it the bodies of everyone who failed to conquer Pandora's Temple. Once he realized the truth, that she was a Goddess, he instantly no longer trusted her due to his own experience with the gods of Olympus. Again, Kratos uses it to climb up, before kicking the captain ever-unlucky ship into the River Styx. Kratos attempted to stop Ares, but Ares swept him aside and scarred him across his right eye. Kratos told his son he was out of control, but Atreus argued that even his own father does angry as well during fights. At the end of their journey, after coming clean to his son about his past, Kratos threw away his bandages, deciding he has nothing left to hide neither be ashamed for his son. While retrieving the old blades, Athena also appears and goads him about his past. Kratos up to that point was unaware of Faye's status as a Giant but had found love again with her, having cared deeply for her just as he had for Lysandra. The revenge that Kratos fought for from the start has finally been fulfilled, as well as the oracle's prediction, "a marked warrior will overthrow Olympus". Kratos than took out the Omphalos stone which Hephaestus later forged into a new weapon, the Nemesis Whip, as a reward. After leaving the Grecian world following all the chaos he has caused there, Kratos begins to develop some sort of loathing towards his. Seeing Helios thrown across town, Kratos rushes at him, but before he can kill him, an army of shields come to cover, forcing Kratos to take control of the Cyclops and use it to destroy the defenders. Another city is ready to fall! He also has the scar from where Zeus stabbed him, despite his battle with Ares occurring long before his fight with Zeus. Even though Kratos was a demigod, now for the first time, he has become a complete God, where he sat upon the throne, This is a new beginning for Kratos as the God of War. Helios begs Kratos to stop and tells him that in order to kill Zeus, Kratos must enter the Flame of Olympus. Armed with this information, Kratos now knows that he must free Pandora. As if guided, Kratos followed Calliope into Persephone's temple until he reached the Pillar of the World which is located at the top of the temple, where he met Persephone, the goddess of the land. These weapons greatly amplified Kratos' melee capabilities and even allowed him to destroy certain areas enforced with Onyx stones. There she takes them to the Realm Travel Room, the only place in all the Nine Realms one can use to travel between said realms. It is likely that he felt a certain level of kinship with Hephaestus, as they share a mutual hatred of Zeus as well as intense pain over their lost daughters, although he is eventually forced to kill the Smith God when he tries to prevent him from reaching his daughter, Pandora. Its really hard to channel and probably has an effect on the body, as seen in God of War 4 when Atreus uses it then passes out. For all the other gods that Kratos killed in God of War 3, he only attacked them out of either self-defense (in the case of Hephaestus and Cronos, as they attacked him without warning, despite the fact he was not seeking to kill them at all), constant provocation (Hera and Hermes taunting Kratos so much that he snapped from anger), or after being forced to fight, such as by Hades ambushing him, and Poseidon also hunting down Kratos. Frbauti's name and character are thought to have been inspired by the observation of the natural phenomena surrounding the appearance of wildfire. He plans to use the destructive power that is in Helios to destroying the Pillar of the World, collapsing the world of Greece that was propped up with him and the Olympian Gods. With Mimir's head, the duo then return to the Witches' Woods. Not until there, Kratos also met Perseus, his half-brother, in the room bathhouse. Despite Lysandra's pleas, Kratos vowed to continue his bloody conquests "until the glory of Sparta is known throughout the world", spending time with his family only when he was able to return to Sparta. Orkos also doesn't want to live as a guardian of the oath who is still tied to the god Ares. The developers of Shovel Knight and God of War director, Cory Barlog, have both confirmed that both universes are in fact one in the same. Because of this Gaia continue to climb the mountains of Olympus, letting Kratos fall into the Underworld. The Blade could also release blasts of energy that were powerful enough to destroy armies in one swing. Morpheus, the God of Dreams disappears into the shadows. Their magic power called forth the spears and shields of Kratos' exiled Spartan brothers, that protected him and damaged his foes. At first Atlas tried to kill him but Kratos managed to convince him otherwise. However, while those who were deemed unfit would be sent to the mountains (probably Mount Taygetos) to fend for themselves. Highest Peak in God of War. Tired of going what happened to him, Kratos did not care and decided to leave there, but the monster doesn't let him go, forcing Kratos to turn around and beat him. In Tr's Temple, he and Freya deliver an impassioned speech before blowing Gjallarhorn, granting all the realms access to Asgard. Perhaps what Kratos' breaking point that truly made any happiness or positive feelings he possibly could have had vanish is when his brother, Deimos, was killed. This is a purgatory ruled by the God of Death Thanatos. Odin visits the God of War in the Dwarf realm and Kratos demands Odin to give back his son Atreus back or else he warns Odin that he'll may "meet the god" he once was, in which Odin respond to Kratos threatening words by insulting him. Immediately hearing that, Kratos was angry and chased the villagers who surrounded him. However, before Kratos made it to the Blade of Olympus, the same eagle that took his powers comes and reveals himself as Zeus. Atreus, still angered over the insults recklessly shoots arrows at him before showing early signs of sickness again. Freyr sacrifices himself to ensure that Freya would reach Fenrir's rift in time. If one looks at Kratos journal in his ship, he states that no matter how which woman he sleeps with, they all remind him of Lysandra. The river flow brought it back to Hephaestus who was quite surprised to learn that Kratos had managed to kill Hades. When asked about the old armor's that Brok and Sindri forged for him, Kratos mentions that he used all of them. Ares accepted the offer, proceeding to kill all of the Barbarians, giving Kratos the Blades of Chaos as a sign of his servitude and immediately after receiving them he used the Blades of Chaos against Alrik and decapitated him, ending the battle in Spartan victory. The fight continues as both gods wrestled each other using their god-like strength causing an earthquake to crumble and crack the ground, but while fighting, the Stranger then tells him personally about himself to Kratos that he can't feel anything like Kratos does, and warns him he'll keep on coming back, no matter what he does to him, while at the same time, their strength during battle, had even caused an enormous crack on the ground. In that side mission, Kratos didn't face the ghost of the father as he told his tale, possibly still ashamed of what he did. At the moment. With Ares dead, Kratos has been doing what was deemed impossible, a mere mortal slaying a God. Atreus' mother also intended him to learn the truth of her real identity and embrace that he is part Frost . The player controls the protagonist Kratos, the former God of War, after his betrayal at the hands of his father Zeus, King of the Olympian gods. Stig Asmussen, the director of 2010's God of War III, called the naming coincidence a "happy mistake". Unlucky, Charon's strength is no match for him, he is too strong for Kratos, even Kratos is overwhelmed and thrown into the depths of Tartarus, where the Titans are imprisoned by Zeus after losing in The Great War. Kratos never seemed remotely happy at all throughout the entire series, endlessly tormented and left feeling nothing but suffering among every single step of the way. And before taking my last breath, Athena begs Kratos to stop seeking revenge, warning him that all the Gods of Olympus will unite against him and that if Zeus dies, the world will be destroyed. He is so enraged and filled with pure hatred for Zeus to the point that he is physically unable to feel calm during his quest for revenge. The Goddess reminded Ares that they had what they were looking for, and apologized to Kratos before disappearing into the flames. These drastic changes for his character model across the series can be attributed to better hardware and graphics developments being made as the games were being worked on. As they are leaving, Kratos gives Atreus a drink of the wine from the vase he took earlier before drinking some himself explaining the origins of the wine. But as usual, Kratos ignored her warning and dismounted instead to earth where he helps his army destroy the city of Rhodes. The Witch proceeded to open a portal leading them to their destination, wishing them luck on the way out. After defeating Sigrun and thus freeing all the Valkyries, Kratos was put in a good mood, possibly because he had done something good but gleefully (although with a sarcastic tone) states that the Valkyrie Queen's helm would fetch a great price at Brok and Sindri's shops. However, in the middle of this strife, Zeus came and captured Pandora. Kratos decided to investigate and found her in the temple of Poseidon. This is reinforced because some keep calling him "God", but one fallen. Their tense reunion is cut short by the Valkyrie Vanadis, who attacks them. This summons the World Serpent, who immediately devours the statue of Thor next to the Muspelheim gate. Upon reaching the mainland, he meets Athena in her Astral form who confesses had attained a "higher existence" because of the sacrifice he made to Zeus. Kratos mustered all his strength to confront Alecto and Tisiphone, and by using the Eyes of Truth, he managed to subdue Daimon, Tisiphone's pet and forces Alecto back into his human form, stopping the illusion. Still, despite this, Kratos still cared for and respected her: He did not attack her and told Atreus to remain calm and actively defended Freya from Baldur. For that, he tried to crush Kratos' body, but managed to fight back by blinding Cronos using Helios' head beam. They both stripped him of his strength, before leaving him unconscious on a rocky cliff that is overlooking the Aegean Sea. Kratos would continue to "test" himself, resulting in him not being home very often. On the other hand, he even tells Kratos that all of his revenge plan were useless, and Kratos is running out of time for such path of redemption. Unexpectedly, the omphalos stone that Kratos was looking for was apparently in Cronos' stomach. Kratos explained that was the name Faye wanted to call him when he was born and was probably the one she used when speaking of him with her people. He understood why Baldur was going to kill Freya but warned him that vengeance would not bring him peace and was forced to fight and kill Baldur to protect Freya. Unmoved by the story, Kratos says that he will stop at nothing while seeking his revenge on Zeus, even though Pandora's life will be the price. Torn from the god of the sun himself, Kratos can harness the power of Helios' head to illuminate his way through dark areas and even damage his enemies with powerful surges of light. Ares takes the advantage back, however, thanks to his godly senses. However, her act of compassion for Zeus would come back to haunt her, as Zeus not only wanted to free his brothers from his father, but also to take his place as the new ruler of the mortal world. While Kratos was a formidable warrior even before he became a god, its incredible that he just knows how to use all the weapons he uses in the God of War series. Kratos wasn't angry at Hephaestus for trying to kill him, as he was just trying to protect his child, something Kratos himself understood. Imagine being the God of War, with the ability to manipulate shadows on top of that! It was after Kratos succeeded in getting the box that Zeus knew Hephaestus lied to him. He subsequently became a full-fledged god at the end of God of War (2005), and stayed one until the start of God of War 2. Despite that, he will attempt to dissuade them, as seen when he attempted to reason with Hercules but killed him in a brawl. He was also clearly not amused when Atreus asked Sindri on why Brok is blue-colored while he isn't, viewing the question as rude despite the fact that Atreus did not know the question shocked Kratos and just viewed it as a simple question in his eyes. The closest thing that comes to an actual Godly power for him is his Spartan Rage, which by its very name would make him the God of Sparta. Hearing the news about Ares' loyal subordinates who planned to revive their master by using Ambrosia, a healing potion concocted by the god of healing Asclepius, which was used in the past by Kratos to cure Calliope of a mysterious plague infection, Kratos rushes off to Tartarus to find and destroy the Ambrosia. But while pulling the Blade of Olympus, Kratos informed that the Sisters of Fate had died. Famed as the Messenger of Mount Olympus, he was the son of the King of the Gods Zeus and the Pleiades Maia. A dying Brok forgives Sindri for lying about his death, and the latter teleports a dead Brok away from the Realm Between Realms. Kratos has been seen using can be found in Kratos' Equipment. With Kratos now fully focused and both of them at a similar state of having fought for prolonged periods of time, Kratos proves to be superior and after a vicious duel, eventually overpowers and defeats Thor, but shows mercy, and convinces Thor to join him to fight Odin for the sake of their children. This is the time for him to leave the world. After being reminded by Athena would On his mission to kill Zeus, Kratos goes inside the Hyperion Gate which redirects him to the mountains of Olympus. She explains that she was forbidden from revealing this information to him by Kratos' father. This means that when Kratos vanquishes her and obtains the Scourge of Erinys, he gains the ability as well, which is pretty awesome. With the tower restored, the duo plus Mimir lock Jtunheim in, but Mimir realizes that the travel crystal is missing. From that day forward, Kratos became known as the Ghost of Sparta; his skin now 'pale as the moon' from the ashes that coated him. Seeing Kratos coming, they plead to be saved from a monster in the form of a giant crocodile they call the "Chaos Beast". The only power that can be used to subdue Gods is the power stored in Pandora's Box. This is something he did not anticipate. He rose from the dead a second time. Kratos doesn't care about all of his own actions and he continues Sparta's struggle. Kratos points out that anger could be their weapons.Suddenly, coming from outside of the house, both Kratos and Atreus felt the whole house shaking, which leads to a mysterious person to keep knocking on the door, and demanding Kratos to come out of his house. Her very last wish was for her ashes to be spread from the highest peak of the Nine Realms. They first met when Kratos tried to retrieve Pandora's Box. When they were children and training to become warriors of Sparta, Kratos was harsh and strict on Deimos, but cared for him deeply, on the inside. Eventually, however, Kratos' son falls ill due to the conflicting natures within him. By the end of God of War III, Kratos only wears a leather loincloth and armlets without the chains of the Blades of Exile. Kratos tells Atreus that he has met many annoying spirits before. She even saved Kratos when he was a child from Ares when they took Deimos, and asked Kratos for forgiveness afterwards, showing that while she thought she was protecting Olympus from the marked warrior prophecy, she had some regrets in doing so, even calling him "brother", showing that she was aware of his relationship to Zeus. To other mortals, he was now marked by his ghostly white skin - the knowledge of his past actions often repulsed them to the point where they would rather die than allow him to save their lives. For example, Kratos was legitimately interested, though understandably suspicious, when an assassin offered to make Kratos pursues a way of only repaying his debt, implying that Kratos would have defeat him even if not forced of his own treachery. The hilts become gold in color and gain two slots on the skulls' eyes for Runic Attacks; one for light and one for heavy, while also allowing Kratos to change the pommels for different attributes. Before breathing his last breath, the Spartan soldier placed his hope on Kratos. With the situation escalating as a whole, Zeus started provoking Kratos by insulting his failure to protect his family in the past. Deimos is shown to be a tough opponent because he dropped Kratos from a height and continue to beat him without stopping until Kratos' body is covered with wounds. The gods use the snow-blind to gain the advantage, during which Kratos asks of why do they hunt them and what does Odin want. But, if he did, then he would surely kill Kratos if he ever saw him again. Athena departed as Kratos collapsed with a trail of his own blood. Kratos immediately frees Deimos, but Deimos isn't happy with the arrival his brother. At the start of the series, he was a servant of Olympus, helping in defeating evil deities. Kratos was Zeus' son, which made Gaia his great-grandmother. Kratos then angrily scolds Atreus, and he then he realises how long he's been in the Light. The pair deduced that Atreus' intense emotions after Fenrir's death caused him to uncontrollably transform. But as usual, Kratos eventually manages to retrieve the Omphalos stone that Kratos had managed to back. He keeps coming back morpheus, the God of dreams disappears into the Styx... The naming coincidence a `` happy mistake '' was after Kratos succeeded in getting the Box Zeus! They first met when Kratos tried to kill Hades realizes that the travel crystal missing... 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