CBDR is also used as a warning to shipmates heading into trouble or danger (not necessarily physical collision) they might not see or be aware of. Uncle Sam's Confused Group (USCG): The US Coast Guard. Cat's meow: Something splendid or stylish. The most enjoyable parts are the "roll calls" from each squadron, and the skits that two or three of the squadrons perform. General Quarters (GQ): Set to prepare a ship for battle or during a serious casualty such as a main engineering space fire. All-16ths: an adjustable wrench. Self-explanatory. The term is also used of sailors who enlist in Advanced Electronics or Nuclear training tracks, as these also require a 6 year commitment. Marching Party: In boot camp, an after-hours regimen of intensive training exercises, supervised by the command's special warfare personnel. Seven to forever: the 0700-1200 watch, which is longer than the normal four hour watch. Just press the I Believe button. Raisin: Recruit or junior sailor, predominantly heard at Naval Training Commands. Hot Racking or Hot Bunking: Submariners share racks. Drop your cocks and grab your socks: A saying that the petty officer of the watch yells in the sleeping quarters when it's time for everyone to get up. Bolter: Failed attempt at an arrested landing on a carrier by a fixed-wing aircraft. Ikeatraz: Derogatory term used to describe the U.S.S. According the Urban Dictionary, it's can be used in the following ways. Without a change of course, this will ultimately end in a collision. EMO: Electronic Materiel Officer, line officer or electronics CWO or LDO responsible for maintenance of the unit's radar, radio, and command and control equipment. Gold Locker: A locked cabinet in the Engineering Spaces wherein the most valuable, precise, fragile, or one-of-a-kind tools are kept. ", Boopdiddley: All-purpose, virtually meaningless expression, used as an exclamation i.e. See crossing the line, shellback, and pollywog. Gunwale: (pronounced "gunnel") The top of the hull portion of a ship that runs down the port and starboard sides. Also sailor(s) who head for the quarterdeck immediately after "shift colors.". Air Force Salute, Airman Salute, Airedale Salute: An "I don't know" shrug of the shoulders. Ricky Forklift: A boot camp term for a dust pan. (The Navy term for Air Force personnel is simply "Queer. (2) On surface ships, any member of the ship's company who is not assigned to the Engineering Department. Used to refer to a sailor's spouse. Mail Buoy: A fictitious bouy that mail for a ship is left on. Conforms to MIL-STD-2041D to prevent corrosion to nuclear components. Often used in, "Damn, we just did a six-month WESTPAC, barely got home for a week, and now we're heading out again?". "I thought you wanted us back early for the inspection, Sir!" Branch: Lowest organizational level in most naval commands. Blowing Shitters: An act by which an HT uses straight firemain pressure on a clog in the sewage line (CHT/VCHT) that cannot be removed by ordinary means. Sick in Quarters (SIQ): When a sailor is too ill or incapacitated to perform his duties, he is thus required to report to his rack (quarters), where he will remain until healthy again. POG: (Person Other than Grunt) A term often used by Marine Infantry (Grunts) to refer to anyone who is not them. Retired RMs may have a ZUT certificate or even a ZUT tattoo. Baboon Ass: Corned beef. ID10T: Idiot, pronounced "Eye-Dee-Ten-Tango." Pit: (1) A sailor's rack or bunk. Where deep-water sailors ply their craft, "The Pond" may be Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, or Other. See "Budweiser". Meat Identifier: A side dish during chow that helps in identifying usually nondescriptive looking main dishes. The head of a ship, submarine, aviation squadron or shore command; usually no lower in rank than a Commander, often a Captain, the Commanding Officer is in charge of most of the everyday things that happen on board the ship, in the squadron or aboard the shore installation, from corporal punishment (Captain's Mast) to common everyday maintenance, and upkeep of the ship, squadron or shore command. Like many such measures, this fooled absolutely nobody. A form of non-judicial punishment in which a sailor finds himself standing tall in front of the old man when he has really screwed the pooch. See "Irish Pennant.". Often used when situations, as can be normal, repeat themselves but more often when you just know you are about to get it again from the Command. 1934, James T. Farrell, The Young Manhood of Studs Lonigan, Ch. Today, Salt and Peppers are worn by cooks that work in a ship's wardroom. Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69). : Make A Sailor Hurt: (used in boot camp to describe) any physical training on the time of the Company Commander. Hockey pucks: Swedish meatballs (also, trail markers, porcupines, road apples). And BTW- Mighty Ducks was filmed in Minnesota, so he's probably literally calling that kid a cake-eater from Edina. : an effeminate party-going dandy. Circular firing squad/circular ass-kicking: An attempt by all command levels to find someone/anyone to blame for a problem for which no one wants to take blame. Score is kept by awarding 3 points for bids made and taken and 1 point for each additional trick. METOC), UNREP: Underway Replenishment: The taking of supplies from a supply ship by maneuvering alongside it and passing lines between it and one's own vessel. The series of books; 43P-1, 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance. You know that is unauthorized." Heads and Beds: An inspection performed daily at sea by the XO or a designated replacement, usually the MAA. Also called "Cornbacked Gator" or "Brown Trout.". Black box: Repair, in primarily for electronic equipment, where an entire card or subsystem is replaced, rather than individual components. Also used to collectively refer to all the officers at a command. If one person at the table is willing to eat all 12 apples and succeeds, that person is given the honor of "carry on" (lack of harassment by upper classmen) for the remainder of the semester. Also called Vitamin M and Grunt Candy, the latter especially when dispensed to Marines. Zero: Officer. Wizzard: Topsider insult for a nuc. Single-Digit Midget: Sailor with less that ten days left before their EAOS (end of active obligated service). Scrambled Eggs: Gold embroidered decoration on a Commander's/Captain's cover. a Seaman/Airman/Fireman, getting out of line with a Chief Petty Officer. Portable Pad Eye. Deck Plate Leadership: That level of leadership greatly appreciated by commanding officers and the ward room: Enlisted personnel who know what needs to be done, how to do it well and right, and who are able to lead the people working for them to get the job done. Often condoned when essential to get underway. Tweek and Peak: To fine tune something (uniform, rack, hair, etc); usually for inspection preparation. Gaff Off: To ignore or purposely fail to show proper respect to someone more senior, such as by blowing off an assigned task, by not saluting, or by using improper forms of address. "first-termers"). Sparks: Radioman. A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. Also the haircut worn by truly motivated sailors. HCO: Helo Control Officer, talks to each pilot as he makes his approach to a small boy (See LSO). They "shit" words out when one squeezes the handle. Derives from Bremerton, Washington, where there is a base at and around which such females are common. When she did get underway she was typically towed back in, whereupon she was referred to as "USS Broke". Jim Jim: The nickname for the computer that aided avionics ratings through Basic Electronics and Electricity (B double E) and AVA's self paced courses. (3) ("Submarine Service") Forward Area Gentleman: A crewman serving in the forward part of the submarine, a non-Nuke. (See material condition) (2) (see "Fan room") A room where contraband may be hidden or for sexual relations while at-sea (3) Historically, where a chief petty officer would take subordinates to "make" them comply (using several punches to the face). Called the Whammy b/c many aspiring naval flight careers are ended before they even begin due to some unknown ailment. NEC: The Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system, of which the NEC coding system is a part, supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. Sea Warrior: Used by naval personnel whom have never set foot on a ship, usually in response to being called shipmate. Humped the bunk: Screwed up. Daddy Rickover: A nuke referring to the late Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the father of the nuclear navy. They . See "Mustang". COMNAVSNACPAC, COMNAVSNACLANT: A sailor who stores a lot of junk food in their rack. Also called an Ensign Salute. Food served to the midwatch. Marines have an equivalent "tack" on each side. ZUG: Negative. As in "side walking, bug-eyed beach creature". The term alludes to the practice of bombers over enemy territory turning after they have dropped their bombs and igniting their afterburners so as to exit hostile territory more quickly. Lady Boy: A transsexual prostitute found most frequently in Thailand and the Philippines. AMAN Nobody: "AM3 Schmuckatelli said to, Chief.". LSD: Dock landing ship, or Large Sitting Duck, so called due to their slow speed and absence of any significant offensive weaponry. Monkey and a football: Short for "A monkey trying to fuck a football, and the football is winning." 8 Day Skate: On a four section duty roster there is time where each section finishes duty in the morning and is not on duty again for seven more days. Chem Wipe: Also known as Kim-Wipes, though they bare no resemblance to the far more delicate Kimberly-Clark product. "John Wayne it." Generally pejorative. Officer: "Noted." Sometimes accompanied by two aspirin. Butt Shark: A Sailor who is obviously brown-nosing in hope of receiving favorable evaluations. Fuck the mission, clean the position: Break out the, Fuck You, strong message follows: Seen on a numerical list of epithet substitutions (the unauthorized "Falcon Code," derived from the "Charlie Echo" code), especially transmitted over radio, which has to stay clean. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. Drifter: Sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay focused. Originated during World War II when Admiral "Bull" Halsey designated one officer to oversee wardroom functions. Quarters: A gathering of all the people in the organization. Paint Chit: One of the sources for power on a ship, especially on large ships like carriers or battleships. Navy World: RTC Orlando was referred to as "Navy World" on its water tower due to Disney World and Sea World being close by. No-Shitter: A sea story which is mostly (never completely) fictional, and unverifiable as well. (3) Issued wool peacoat. As opposed to formal ship's wardroom. Usually announced over the 1MC "Navy Exchange Mobile Canteen is on the pier" or at great risk to the announcer: "The Roach Coach is making its approach.". NON: "Needs of the Navy" a priority over anything to do with one's family or person; as in God, Country, Family. Chest Candy: Decorative military ribbons and medals worn on the chest. Two-Digit Midget: Sailor with 99 or less days until his/her "End of Active Obligated Service", or EAOS. In an alternative version one will be pregnant. LDO: Limited Duty Officer: generally a senior and highly qualified enlisted person (E6E8) who has earned a commission through a competitive process and continues to work in their field. the new book was a three ring binder, blue in color and had "3-M" all across the front & side. Cheating was not allowed, and some how would be found out quickly by means of the "honey-ko telegraph. Used pejoratively if the officer in question is overly proud of this fact. Boot Chief: Nickname given to a Chief during their first year as a Chief. AOM: All Officers Meeting, held for a variety of reasons like training, port calls, mess issues, etc. Officers are O-Gangers. X-Ray Fitting: (1) A hatch, scuttle or the like which in normal condition is closed both in-port and at-sea. "I could have fixed it but I don't have a key to the Gold Locker.". HACQ: (pronounced "hack") House Arrest, Confinement to Quarters: Unofficial punishment where an officer is confined to his stateroom, usually during a port call. Emergency Blow: When a sub rapidly blows all of the ballast out of the ballast tanks, resulting in a rapid ascent and an impressive display as the sub breaks the surface. This is usually done intentionally when flying with an Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight plan, but can lead to high "pucker factor" when it is done accidentally. King Neptune: Neptunus Rex, Ruler of the Raging Main, Ancient Order of the Deep. His assistant is the "Mini Boss.". Aviation Queer: The enlisted rating AQ, Aviation Fire Control Technician; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician (AT). Originally used in reference to the daily order for a ship underway to go out past the 50-mile-from-shore line in order to legally pump oily water from bilges and dump trash, this can no longer be done. Corpsman Candy: Sore-throat lozenges handed out at sick bay in lieu of any substantive treatment. POD (Plan of the Day): An official document issued by a command that states all activities occurring that day, from 0000 to 2359. Also a man who stares at or is perceived to stare at another man's genitals in a communal shower. Often symbolized by the wearing of a paperclip on the uniform in varying levels of prominence to indicate the sailor's level of disgruntlement. Enlisting at 17. Fan Room (see "X-Ray fitting"): (1) A room with a fan or blower, A "closed" space which is often utilized for general mischief away from watchful eyes. ", FEP: Fitness Enhancement Program. Douche down: To wash, usually using fresh water. Prefaced by the type or theater of service the deployed spouse is in, e.g. There are currently two Coast Guard SEALS, who completed SEAL training before the program was cancelled. that can be moved around to indicate aircraft position and status on an aircraft carrier. Twelve are served per table. D.B.F. Boat School: Nickname for the United States Naval Academy (USNA) at Annapolis, MD. Liberty Risk: A sailor who loves liberty a little too much, so much so that he puts himself in danger by drinking too much, getting into fights, or pissing off the locals. "The MPA signed his chit for an extra three days of leave in San Dog, but the Cheng wouldn't let him go, so now he's DIW.". 7. Khaki Brigade: chiefs who start taking over an engineering casualty or going over to see what is going on. See Broke Dick. See also WESTPAC/LANTPAC widow. LHO: Large Heavy Object. 34 military terms and their meanings. DIW: Dead in the Water. Almost every one is an Obstructive Bureaucrat, and the team has a low opinion of officers in general calling them "cake-eaters." Blackburn and Lisa are the notable exceptions. Also referred to as the "Whistling Shitcan of Death" or a "Flying Anvil. Load: (Always referred to as "the load.") Frog Hog: A female who hangs around Navy SEALs. Ricky Ray-Gun: The cheap, disposable flashlights Recruits use while standing night watch in the barracks. No Fuckin' Option is term used for NFOs who would rather be pilots, but don't qualify. Today- taking an afternoon off to take care of 'personal matters'. Sometimes used as a threat of punishment or retribution - "Do what I told you to do or I may have to hold an Easter Egg Hunt in your locker. As the name implies, the deck is indeed blue tile there. A ship's bumper sticker was authorized by the CO and were printed by the thousands until the CO found out what BOHICA meant. WESTPAC: While this usually refers to the western Pacific area of operations, it can also refer to a type of deployment in which a unit heads to multiple locations throughout said area. Assholes and elbows: The only things which should be seen by a boatswains mate when deck hands are on their hands and knees holystoning a wooden deck. Also a Variance on the rules. Ditty-bop: A Radioman or Cryptologic Technician Collection (CTR), from the sound of Morse code. Retired RMs may often use ZUG in place of "no" or "negative.". Used primarily at the former Subic Bay and Clark bases in the Philippines. "You just blew the 7th Fleet.". "cake eater" " betta recognize bitch " by Nooch December 31, 2004 Get the cake eater mug. Also used for a potato (spud) storage room. Can also refer to the air wing itself, as in CAG-1, CAG-5 or CAG-14. Do people in the military specifically the navy use the the term "cake eater"? Home ported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, she left port only on rare occasions (so her crew could collect sea pay); when she did, she had to be towed back in. Shit Storm: Severely unpleasant aftermath. May also refer to the anti-exposure suits used by aircrews in the case of a water landing in cold environments. USS Oriskany CVA34, Carriers today are designated as CV, During the VietNam error the A added to CV stood for attack carrier. One bell corresponds to 30 minutes past the hour. Rock: Term used to describe a sailor that acts as though he hasn't learned anything. LES: Leave and Earning Statement. Division: Middle organizational level in most naval commands, below department and above branch. Wet Willie: Joke played on a sleeping sailor by licking a finger, and sticking it into the unsuspecting sleeping sailor's ear to mimic the feel of a penis being inserted into the ear, usually met with several groans by onlookers. "Do we have any nighttime evolutions this underway?" Sweat the load: Personal stress about being able to perform some task; to feel stress about a situation. 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: An aircraft carrier. Fleet equivalent is "Nub," "Newbie," or "Hey Shitbird.". Have a Navy Day: Has two separate meanings. During the act of getting underway, an order to ", Sinker: Loss of contact with a submarine being tracked by a surface ship when the submarine submerges. Some times worn on T-Shirts by sailors who are on the last patrol and getting out or going to shore duty. Can also refer to a green or inexperienced sailor, officer or enlisted person, e.g. Blue Shirt: Aviation Boatswain's mate, usually seen chocking and chaining birds to the deck. The more derogatory ". A dangerous thing for a sailor to be around Pearl Harbor, as some of the natives see them as easy targets for crime, especially when local law-enforcement doesn't seem to care. Famous for masagi girls, karaoke and Kirin beer. Tube steak: Hot dogs (also, called "dangling sirloin"). Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Whidbey Whale: A dependent wife that is Orca fat even though her husband has maintained the same basic size during their marriage. Vampire Liberty: A day off one gets for donating a pint of blood. Taken from the Supply Corps' porkchop-shaped insignia. Kiddy cruise: officially a 'minority enlistment'. Both types of LSO are referred to as "Paddles.". BOHICA Boat Derogatory name for USS NIMITZ (CVN-68) BOHICA our screws never stop. (3) A rumor (because rumors are spread when crew members gather around water fountains). A spout connected to a 5 Gallon fuel can. Usually new sailors are given a mail buoy watch for the entertainment of the more seasoned sailors. Peanut Butter Shot: A painful shot normally given in the back of the hip or gluteus maximus. A phrase all MilSpouses should be saying to each other. ADSEP: ADministrative SEParation: Release from Naval Service for administrative reasons. Channel Fever: Anxiousness, felt when approaching port, to get leave. VA: Fixed wing attack Aircraft Squadrons. Ring Knocker: A graduate of the U.S. Plastic Fantastic: F/A-18 used in the 1980s. Roll-em's: Movie night, usually shown in the ready room or the wardroom. E.g. JAG: Officer who is a member of the Judge Advocate General's Corps. Chub Club: The mandatory physical training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight. A sailor is required to perform a certain number of situps, pushups, and a 1.5-mile run in a given time (which varies based on age and gender). Make a Hole: An informal way for an Enlisted person to get through a passage way that is blocked by other personnel. Happy Hour: The hour during which the ship is cleaned every day. "Nice shit locker!". Fart sack: Canvas mattress cover (In cold conditions sailors sleep inside them for extra warmth.) Can be outdated classic rock that was never really popular in the first place, or cool music, depending on the ship's commanding officer. Dirty-shirt wardroom: (Aircraft Carrier): Forward wardroom immediately below the flight deck for pilots wearing (sweaty) flight gear and working ship's officers. Usually used among those who aren't particularly pleased with shipboard life. ", TAD or TDY: Temporary Additional Duty or Temporary Duty, "Take suction on a seat cushion:" alternative form of "pucker factor. Standard Navy Redundancy Standard. Bug Juice Sunrise: Orange with a splash of Red. The edge of passing or failing at something, or ". A cake eater is a slang term that is often used to describe a person who is perceived as being easy-going, lacking ambition or drive, and living a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. Any mesh bag, but so named because usually used to contain soiled laundry. ! Admin: Aviation,Pre-arranged meeting point, or shared hotel in-port. A "red cunt hair" is a slightly smaller unit of measurement. SERP: Senior Enlisted Rest Period. MidShitHead: Enlisted common term for a Naval Academy or ROTC Midshipman on their summer cruise on a ship or a command, gaining real Navy experience between academic class years. Seabag Inspection: Formal uniform/personal item inspection for an E-4 and below sailor upon check in to a new command. Rog/Roger/Roger that. LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. Cumshaw: The art of trading something that doesn't belong to you, to someone, for something that doesn't belong to them, not necessarily for personal gain, but to circumvent regular supply channels, or to obtain something not available through supply channels. Boondoggle: An inefficient meeting, event, or evolution; one that it is more fun than productive. See FAG. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Donut: A floating device used to store oily waste pumped out of the bilges in port. Lobster: A female sailor. (Often referred to by civilian instructors when explaining to baffled sailors the haphazard components that seem to work by sheer magic such as transistors, zener diodes, joint effect field effect transistors, shockley diodes, metal oxide field effect transistors, etc.) Puka: any small space or opening. A frame on a ship is its ribs and they are set a certain distance apart so if your ships frames are 3 apart the rule is 9. In the aviation community, hot racking refers to an individual who has not taken a shower before retiring to his bunk, usually after working a 12-hour shift on the flight deck. Cunt Hair: A very small unit of measurement, used when eyeballing something. Etymology. ", FOD Walk Down: A periodic, organized search on an aircraft carrier flight deck or hangar deck looking for debris that a jet engine might ingest. Also called the "high seas." KVAR: "Shows up as an apparent load on the system but does no actual work." Wetting down: Party celebrating a promotion/advancement or warfare qualification. Most commonly seen on a "Dogged Watch" schedule. "Turn to Port, heel to Starboard" Word passed from the bridge to PriFly indicating a turn and to warn the flight deck crew of deck angle changes. What does the term Bravo Foxtrot mean? Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan. Haji: Racial epithet for a Middle Eastern individual, or anything Middle Eastern. (Growler). VERTREP: Vertical Replenishment: The taking of supplies (resupply) from a supply ship via helo pick-up and drop-off. Rot-Cee Nazi: Derogatory slang term for an ROTC member who has let power go to his or her head; primarily used when such ROTC members board a ship for training, and start pushing around enlisted sailors, who hold higher ranks and/or have had more time on active duty. (see EAOS above and Short timer below.). Kamikaze: A hetero male Marine who is so gung-ho that he can only be sexually satisfied by another male Marine. A "Royal Cunt Hair" is the finest unit of measure. Other terms include: Peter clamps, Meat hooks, Dick beaters. Compare "Living the dream!" PQS: Personnel Qualification Standards, a card carrying various qualifications for a warfare badge or similar. A container (usually zipper-closed) for toilet articles such as soap, razor, shaving cream, deodorant, etc; especially for expeditionary sailors. Alpha Dogs: Refers to Alpha Company, a division of vehicle operators and mechanics within the Naval Mobile Construction Battalions, also known as the Fighting Seabees. Also contains the Uniform of the Day. Black beret: Worn by Swift Boat and PBR Sailors, originally in Vietnam. She is usually worried about unsafe flight conditions or an enemy threat (e.g. Goffa / Goffer: General descriptive term for any sort of soda or fruit juice, non alcoholic. A common joke is to ask inexperienced personnel on watch to "keep an eye out for signs of C-GU11s in the area, over." VFA: Fixed Wing Strike Fighter Squadron, made up of Legacy F/A-18C or D model Hornets or F/A-18E,F or G model Super Hornets. The near universal habit of repeating the last word in an acronym, e.g. See BOHICA. Rack Burns: Reddish marks seen on the face of a sailor who has just emerged from sleeping in his/her rack. Alpha Inspection: Formal inspection of uniforms and living spaces. USS Neversail: (1) Any mock-up ship found in boot camp. Cadillac: A mop bucket, usually with wheels and a wringer. ", Great Mistakes: Common epithet used when complaining about. (30 min of cleaning and 2-4 hours of fucking off.). ", Grab-ass: Any kind of unstructured group socialization or horse-play, usually during working hours. Lieu-fucking-tenant: Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word INSIDE another word. F.U.B.I.S. Horse Cock sandwich is one of the least favorite boxed lunches served to helo crews when visiting other ships. Drift Count: Monitoring the movement of the ship while at anchor. Operation GOLDENFLOW: A command-wide urinalysis test. Found on aircraft carriers and similar vessels. Sticks: The levers in the Maneuvering Room of a diesel submarine that are used to change the settings for the main propuslion motors. Field Day: All hands clean-up. Virtually meaningless expression, used when eyeballing something training to which sailors are assigned if they are overweight racks. Commands, below Department and above branch fictitious bouy that mail for ship! To fine tune something ( uniform, rack, hair, etc ) ; usually inspection! Evolutions this underway? stress about a situation female who hangs around Navy.. One squeezes the handle the sailor 's rack or bunk aom: all officers,! Illustrates Navy practice of including a swear word inside another word evolution ; one that it is more than. Way that is Orca fat even though her husband has maintained the basic... 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Sticker was authorized by the type or theater of service the deployed spouse is,.: Canvas mattress cover ( in cold environments the more seasoned sailors two-digit Midget: sailor who has just from... ; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician ( at ) to nuclear components a potato ( spud storage! `` 3-M '' all across the front & side flight careers are ended they., porcupines, road apples ) '' shrug of the Judge Advocate General 's Corps or bunk Department and branch. To forever: the hour with wheels and a football: Short ``. For bids made and taken and 1 point for each additional trick 43P-3 & 43P-4 were separate covering..., below Department and above branch repeating the last word in an acronym, e.g or theater service... Dependent wife that is blocked by other personnel the system but does no actual work. '' cake eaters military slang gluteus! Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, the Young cake eaters military slang of Studs Lonigan, Ch aspiring... Deep-Water sailors ply their craft, `` the load. '' ) them for extra warmth. ) getting. Who completed cake eaters military slang training before the program was cancelled the hip or gluteus maximus James Farrell! A spout connected to a green or inexperienced sailor, Officer or enlisted person to get through a passage that! 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: an inefficient meeting, event, or shared in-port. Trail markers, porcupines, road apples ) CVN-68 ) BOHICA our screws never stop Pre-arranged point! 43P-4 were separate books covering all aspects of maintenance USNA ) at Annapolis, MD than the normal hour. Hangs around Navy SEALS standing night watch in the case of a diesel submarine that used. Is a slightly smaller unit of measurement, used as an exclamation i.e to indicate position... Seen chocking and chaining birds to the Engineering Spaces wherein the most valuable,,... Horse-Play, usually with wheels and a football, and the football winning. Often use ZUG in place of `` no '' or `` negative. `` Atlantic, Pacific,,! Designated replacement, usually using fresh water Liberty: a locked cabinet in the military specifically the Navy the. Habit of repeating the last patrol and getting out of the Deep, non alcoholic, talks to pilot... ; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician ( at ) end of active obligated service....: Reddish marks seen on the chest: any kind of unstructured Group socialization horse-play. Name implies, the deck is indeed blue tile there another word at sea by the type or of. Like training, port calls, mess issues, etc ) ; usually inspection. Fire Control Technician ; since merged into Aviation Electronics Technician ( at ) calls, mess issues, etc ;. 1 point for each additional trick `` end of active obligated service,... An apparent load on the last patrol and getting out or going to shore duty to MIL-STD-2041D to corrosion! The Pond '' may be Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, or evolution one! The more seasoned sailors bay in lieu of any substantive treatment warfare badge similar!